
Concentration Camps During World War II

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War is inevitable. Throughout history we’ve solved problems with other countries with war. Millions of lives are lost, but those people did not die in vain. From the Cold War to World War 1 to World War 2, as long as countries and nations continue to want more power and land, war will always occur. One of the most horrific wars in history was World War 2. This involved the Germans wiping out almost more than half the Jewish population due to Adolf Hitler’s beliefs. The dictatorship of Hitler was one that went down in history that will always be remembered for as long as we live. During Hitler's time as Dictator, there were many things happening against the Jewish. They were Isolated from everyone in the world, the creation known as concentration …show more content…

Concentration camps, were camps used to detain Jewish people all around, and were usually under harsh conditions. The camps were set up to keep Jews in one place and to have possession of them. They were put to work in all conditions and forced to wear a uniform of some sort and shave their head. Concentration camps are known for their sad yet horrific mass murders. “Those few prisoners who were selected to survive, temporarily, were deployed in some fashion in support of this function. The killing centers are sometimes referred to as “extermination camps or “death camps” (“Killing Centers”. United states Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 20 June 2014. Web 11 May 2015). Some mass murders took place in gas chambers, where Natzis would gather a huge number of innocent Jewish people and forcibly made them enter a gas chamber and simply light them on fire while inside. The creation of these Concentration camps was one quite vicious yet fallacious. During World War 2 a huge Propaganda was established.” A major tool of the Nazis’ propaganda assault was the weekly Nazi newspaper Der Sturmer (The Attacker). At the bottom of the front page of each issue, in bold letters, the paper proclaimed, “The Jews are our misfortune!”(N.p., n.d. Web/). The idea of labeling Jewish people as their “misfortune” is completely absurd. Nazis labeled Jewish people as their “bad luck” which left people very inquisitive about everything going on. The ideas of this Propaganda revolved around Hitler and how he shared his beliefs with everyone and everyone followed under his

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