
Conception Of Abortion Research Paper

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Life Starts at the moment of conception. The definition of life is the existence of an individual human being. So why execute innocent life in the womb? Not only is it fetal homicide but it conflicts with the bible and the unalienable right to life supported by our founding fathers, it causes a staggering amount of not only the death of millions of babies but also the death of some women who attempt an abortion, and it prevents the unborn child from having a chance at life. From conception to growth, from growth to the fully developed child in the womb it is and has been alive from the start. Conception, meaning an egg from a fully developed woman conjoins with the sperm of a fully developed man causing fertilization. Mull and Bascom predicts …show more content…

The word unalienable means it cannot be taken away or denied so how is abortion giving a child unalienable rights? Abortion is blatantly taking a life away and preventing anything from childhood lessons to the real world adulthood from the innocent baby boy or girl. In the Roe V. Wade case argued women's rights but did they take into consideration the baby’s rights? Of course not, it was all about a selfish woman who wanted nothing more than to get out of the responsibility of caring for a child. A woman is not a doctor and should not be allowed to make that decision because it is absolutely murder in any form or fashion. From the psychological standpoint a typical woman who ends her pregnancy is either young, white, unmarried, poor or over the age of forty (Trupin, 2016). It should not matter if you are black, yellow, old, fat, skinny or poor, a child is a living breathing human just like the mother and the father of the infant. Not only that but it causes psychological damage to the mother of the aborted baby (Should Abortion be Legal). Abortion causes the mother depression, regret and anxiety (2016) because most of the time the mother wishes she could take back her decision and do the right thing. Her stress levels rise as she thinks about the damage she has caused to not only the child but to herself as …show more content…

Abortion is made to terminate a pregnancy and the word terminate means to make an end, to cease, and to kill. Ask yourself this, when a pregnant woman is killed and the baby dies too then why do they call it a double homicide? So now a baby is only a human being when women get to choose? It is simply selfishness and it is the cruelest kind of thing to partake in. It is an execution of the innocent, it is biblically wrong and conflicts with the child’s inalienable rights to life, it causes a staggering amount of deaths from child to mother and it prevents an unborn child a chance at life. Everyone should be able to choose their fate, but not giving the baby a chance because a women is not ready to be a mother is conceited and instead she shall be put to death instead. John 10:10 says “ A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy”(NKJ) Any women who commits abortion is a thief who takes a life from the innocent and destroys any chance of a living being making it in the world. Abortion is a

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