
Confessions : The Role Of Friendship On St. Augustine 's Spiritual Journey Essay

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CONFESSIONS: THE ROLE OF FRIENDSHIP ON ST. AUGUSTINE’S SPIRITUAL JOURNEY Originally written during the fourth century, St. Augustine’s autobiographical book, Confessions, was among the most influential models for Christian writers over the course of a millennium. As it is arguably Augustine’s most important text, it continues to influence theological discussion even today. Through writing Confessions, Augustine proves himself to be a professional scrutinizer. He analyzes every aspect of his own existence in pertinence to his purpose on Earth and relationship with God. Amongst the numerous topics covered in Confessions, Augustine makes exceptional mention to the role that friendship plays in his spiritual journey. In St. Augustine’s Confessions, the role of friendship is seen as both a method of ascending to God while also a being a means of drawing him further away through sin on his journey to spiritual contentment. Augustine’s spiritual journey takes place on a serpentine track outfitted with tempting divergent paths and disincentives that are scattered throughout the duration of his expedition. As just one of the many different aspects of his life, friendship plays an essential role in his journey; consequently, it is also one of the many things that Augustine scrutinizes under his theological magnifying glass. For Augustine, friendship is among the most vital facets of human existence and poses as one of the many puzzle pieces in forming the picture of who a person is

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