
Confirmation Informative Speech

Decent Essays

For July’s Jeopardy question, we are going to do a double topic. We are going to talk about Confirmation and its importance but also talk about the “RE-Confirmation” class we are just starting at Bethany. Let’s start with the first topic, “What is Confirmation.”

Lutherans, as in many other mainline churches, do infant baptisms. It is at baptism where parents or sponsors bring a child to make a public proclamation of God’s love and unity with a child. At our baptism, we as a community and as sponsors of the child make the promise to introduce the baptized to the Holy Scripture, Lord’s Prayer, and many other items. It would be easy for an infant to digitally download all of this information into the brain when the water is poured over them but that kind of technology hasn’t crossed over into the faith realm yet. Until then, we as sisters and brothers of the baptized are to aid newly baptized in understanding the importance of baptism and the various teachings within the Church. At our baptisms, we are not baptized Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, and etc but are baptized Christian. Confirmation in when you can wear your denomination badge.
You may have also heard of words such as dedication or believer’s baptism language in which some of our Baptist or Pentecostal brothers and sisters may use. …show more content…

Now for some of us, we didn’t go through a Lutheran Confirmation because we may have joined the Lutheran Party a little later in life (Pastor Drew is an example as he is what he coins the term “Recovering Baptist”…whatever that means). Others it may be that you haven’t talked about the various teachings you had in confirmation for some time (You are welcome to insert the number if you wish) and you have forgotten about it. Maybe you just had a bad confirmation experience (who didn’t like reciting the Athanasian Creed by memory before the congregation?). Either way, we have recently began a RE-Confirmation class which is serving

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