
Conflicts In Black Boy

Decent Essays

Conflict is an unfortunate part of everyday life and they vary from person to person. Some involve people that we know, some involve complete strangers. Some conflicts are in a person’s control and are caused by them, and some are at the mercy of their circumstances. In the autobiography “ Black Boy” by Richard Wright, Richard gives the reader insight into his personal life and the different conflicts in them. He shows the reader not only conflicts between him and family members, but also between him and conflicts with strangers and how he reacts in both, especially in the first six chapters of the autobiography. In chapters 1-6 of Black Boy, Richard faces conflicts with family members and members of his community. To maintain a sense of self …show more content…

For example, after his mother becomes ill Richard is placed into an orphanage where Richard is cared for by a lady named Ms. Simon. However while there Richard is treated horribly by Ms. Simon. She would feed Richard skimpy meals of “bread and molasses” and would force Richard to pull “wide stretches of grass” by hand (Page 29). She would also tell his mother not to visit Richard and his brother because “Miss Simon that she was spoiling [them] with too much attention.” (Page 29). This conflict was especially hard because it changed Richard’s entire outlook on life. That a woman that was being paid to help Richard and other children was in fact treating Richard like a slave. Richard Wright expresses how “ dread and distrust had [become] a daily part of [his] being …” and that “[he felt that] most of the time [he was] suspended over a void” and constantly had dreams of running away (Page 30). Another conflict that Richard has is when he first started school at his Uncle Clark’s house. It was his first day and one kid began to mock him because of his straw hat. He then began to fight him after he”grabbed him by the legs and dumped him to the ground.” and afterwards “jumped upon the fallen boy and started pounding him.” (Page 124). Then, the kid’s brother jerked Richard up and fought him and yelled at Richard to “hit [his] brother” and later during the fight Richard was hit on the back of the head with a brick so hard that “blood [was] oozing down [his] back.” (Page 124). This is a conflict Richard tried very hard to avoid because he had previously promised his mother to never fight again just a little while before his mother had a paralytic stroke (Page

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