
Essay on Conflicts in Sudan: Genocide in Darfur

Decent Essays

The Republic of Sudan, or Sudan as it more commonly known, is currently in a state of crisis. Darfur, in western Sudan, is in the middle of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world right now. They are on the brink of genocide, the deliberate killing of a very large number of people from a particular ethnic group or background. Like Most civil wars the incidents have been occurring for over twenty years. The armed conflict began to get serious in February of 2003. It was then that the Sudanese government in cohorts with the Janjaweed militia engaged in civil strife with two rebel groups. The first of the rebel groups involved being the Liberation Movement Army/Movement (SLM/A), the second the Justice Equality Movement (JEW). The …show more content…

The Sudan government has stated that any barbaric and inhumane acts in Darfur have been at the hands of the Janjaweed militia as a result of ethnic clashes. Their position contradicts with what Musa Hilal, a Janjaweed commander, told a human rights activist on September 27, 2004 during an interview. He stated that all militia activity was not only government directed but government backed as well. Hilal claimed that all of the orders that he himself and his people carried out were from a field commander in the West. The main overlying command that he has received and passed along to his subordinated is to mobilize the people. According to him he has no idea who is responsible for the mass killings and raids. This seems ludicrous being as he has complete control over the entire region and its happenings. His position is a contradiction to eye witness accounts that place him in military uniform celebrating after a citizen attack. The Sudanese justice system has been ignoring the individuals responsible for the attacks and the crimes against humanity. In June of 2005 the International Criminal Court (ICC) opened their investigation from outside of Darfur of the situation there. The Prosecutor has not been babe to gain access to Darfur to further conduct the investigation. This is in part a result of the Sudanese governments refusal to cooperate with the ICC on the grounds that it will deal with the prosecution of any of the individuals involve itself.

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