
Conformity In America

Decent Essays

The Vicious Strive for Conformity in the United States
It is no lie that the United States has diversity—but that does not stop those at the top from trying to stomp any exhibition of that diversity out. Since the beginning, America has been driven by an innate sense of superiority that we have the right to do what we want to do as long as it furthers our democracy. Regrettably, the reality behind this notion is malevolent. In the past, Anglos “conquered” those from cultures who they saw as inferior for what they saw as the “greater good”; even today, we prosecute those from different cultures simply for being different and not conforming to the American norm. Sadly, with this goal of furthering the majority, the U.S. has forgotten the …show more content…

What we see at first glance and our stereotypes only scratches the surface of who people truly are and the depth of their culture. Beneath the surface lies what most would define as the most significant attributes of an individual: their values, perspectives, and experiences. While stereotyping can be useful, we must always remember its detriments; by judging based off of only preconceived notions that may or may not be true, we overgeneralize a diverse group of people, therefore forfeiting our understanding of that group. Moreover, stereotyping can be immensely upsetting to a person. Seeing stereotypes based upon who I am has opened my eyes to the unfair judgement I may cast upon others on a day to day basis. Think about it: how would you feel if came to you and said, “You’re an American. All Americans are stupid, so you must be stupid too, right?” As someone who wants to go into a research based field, I can only imagine the embarrassment I would feel if a European colleague disregarded my findings based upon the fact that I am American; although this seems like an extreme example, unfortunately, things like this happen every day. Misunderstanding or not completely understanding a person’s culture has consequences, whether it be as small as offending them with a hand gesture or as big as ostracizing a skilled and competent person based on mere

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