
Conformity Of Skipping School

Decent Essays

Conformity is the act of changing behavior as a result of real or imagined group pressure. Everyone at one point has experienced this type of pressure at one point in their life. I remember this one time when I was confirmed into doing something because everyone was doing it. This happened back in my high school years. There was a point in the eleventh grade that I felt kind of peer pressured into skipping school. I never really had the urge to be a bad kid and go skipping. I actually loved coming to school. I loved learning new things I was always that kind of person. But of course I started hanging out with the wrong group of people. Which I never should have but I wanted to be so called cool. I wanted and had the desire to fit in always, I always wanted acceptance and to be popular. I honestly regret ever going skipping. It wasn’t only once that it happened. It occurred multiple times until it got out of hand and I was caught by my parents. I never heard the last of it from them even until this day I still hear it. From that point on I was always brought to school; until the day I graduated. I regret these poor decisions I made, I feel like if I wouldn’t have done it I would have finished my schooling by now because I found it acceptable to skip school. All because I wanted to be accepted and be one …show more content…

Society has pushed everyone to think that it is ok to do anything and everything that peers do even if in fact it isn’t right to be doing it. Let’s say for example society advertises the use of cigarettes making propaganda and what not for people to use this product. Even though it is bad for your health they make it socially acceptable and the cool thing to do. So since everyone is doing it you automatically want to do it. I think we need to put an end to this and stop conforming to what everyone does and be your own

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