
Confusion of Absulute Statement

Decent Essays

Reporter: Fuentes, Mary Rose S. 6. Confusion of Absolute Statement – this fallacy is committed when one argues from the truth of a general principle to the truth of specific case. The specific case may even be an exception the general law. Let us keep in mind, there are always exeptions to general principles. A universal principle is coined in view of normal and ordinary circumstances. But there may be exceptional conditions where the force of universal principle may be waived. Example: To kill is morally criminal. (universal law) But in self-defense, one may kill. (specific case) Therefore, self defense is morally criminal. The result is an invalid conclusion, rendering the argument fallacious. 7. Confusion of Qualified …show more content…

Example: Abortion is not immoral because the Secretary of Health says it so. The position of the health secretary is not outright moral guarantees to justify the immoral act of abortion. After all the health secretary is not an expert and authority in matters of morality. e. Argumentum Ad Baculum (appeal to might) – physical force and moral pressure are resorted to in the argument a means to attain an end, again deviating from the real issue. The point is to scare or force people to accept or be convinced. In this context, reason is out of place; hence, the argument is rendered fallacious. Example: I go to school because my parents will scold me. While the statement contains some moral truths, strictly speaking, the real moral issue is overshadowed or missed. Scolding or fear of being scolded should not be the priority motive for going to school. Personal growth, development, and improved quality of living should be the dominating motivations in going to

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