
Consent In Nursing Essay

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This essay will focus on the importance of consent in adult nursing and in child nursing. Consent is a fundamental part of the nursing process and is a legal, ethical and professional requirement all adult nurses are obliged to adhere to. Consent is important, as it promotes patient’s autonomy and human rights. It gives people the right to contribute to the decisions made regarding their care and treatment, giving them the right to consent or refuse. Buka, (2015)
The first point of focus in this essay will be on consent within adult field and the guidance nurses must be aware of. It will then discuss what makes consent valid and what guidance an adult must be aware of where a patient lacks capacity.
The second focus will be of consent in child …show more content…

Child nurses can also use the Gillick and Fraser guidelines where assessing if a child is competent and mature enough to make decisions regarding their healthcare. They should also refer to The Children Act 2004 for the rights of the child.

The way in which they need to communicate will differ, as they will need to incorporate ways such as play with children depending on the age. The communication from a child nurse will need to be at a much lower level than with adults, unless there is a disturbance to the mind or brain of the adult. Which determines a lack of mental capacity. MCA, (2005)
Ensuring confidentiality is essential in both fields, where consent is concerned it enables patients to make decisions free from coercion from family and friends.

Consent is a fundamental part of nursing and all nurses must gain it before any form of healthcare is carried out on patients. NMC, (2015). All patients have the right to make informed decisions regarding their care and where they lack mental capacity, they still have the right for nurses to make sure they are

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