
Consequences Of Gun Control

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Can Gun Control Solve Death? According to the second amendment of the United States Constitution, citizens have the right to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Today, the United States has the highest number of guns and per capita in the world. About thirty percent of Americans grown adults own one or more guns and approximately two-thirds of gun owners said they had grown up in households with guns. According to the survey of the Pew Research Center, “people's reasons for owning a gun was for protection, followed by hunting and sports shooting.” But do that reasoning actually proposed of their satisfactory for owning a gun? Guns are rarely used in self-defense because of victims protected themselves with a threat of use of a firearm. According to the National Crime Victimization survey, almost five hundred thousands of people victims of a crime committed with a firearm in two-thousand and eleven. Despite people owning guns for protection and for other uses, guns can lead to a variety of violence for many multiple reasons. Therefore, if the government were to have stricter gun control policies, people’s lives could be saved. By enacting gun control, such as mandatory safety features, would reduce the number of accidental gun shooting. Most of the accidental shooting mainly occurs twenty-five years old. According to the Injury Mortality Reports, “in 2000s, five to two-thousands ten, almost four thousand people in the United States died from unintentional shooting

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