Plagiarizing Politicians Plagiarizing politicians is not new news for vigilant voters. Politicians and renowned leaders, new and old, like Joe Biden, Sen. John Walsh, Rand Paul, Barack Obama, and even Vladimir Putin have all been condemned for accused plagiarism – thankfully, not all their responses were as level-headed as Joe Biden’s when he said, “I do not understand what the big deal is” (Osnos, Evan). But what does that say about the United States’ own elected leaders? What does that say about the people who elected these plagiarizing and shameless leaders? These political leaders should be held accountable to the consequences of their actions, just like anybody else, as they should be even less likely to plagiarize than the common college …show more content…
If a government leader is caught stealing the intellectual property of another, what does that say about their integrity? What does that tell voters about their intellect? Any government leader caught in the act of stealing intellectual property should be a red flag to all voters because, most likely, that candidate or politician doesn’t have much intellectual property of their own to begin with. And if it’s not their own words and their own work, then who is it that’s really running the country? Of course, many politicians will make the excuse that they just don’t have the time to come up with original speeches and believe that other authors’ beliefs are parallel to their own, but it doesn’t matter. Without proper credit given to the original author, which only takes a few extra seconds to do, appear to the public as original, and anyone attempting to be a fraud will be exposed as one. (I just couldn’t think of what type of evidence to use for this paragraph, other than common sense,) Voters should be shocked that their own country’s representative leaders would partake in such an elementary error like plagiarism. It is well known that plagiarism is not new in the world, and with the development of new antiplagiarism guidelines and technology for students across the globe, including: The United States, middle east, parts of Asia, and even South Africa, political leaders should not be making such a fundamental flaw (Mansoor, Faiqa, and Kanwal Ameen). These representatives should not be in office nor elected into office, and all voters need to be educated on this type of political
I believe that Abramoff’s success story supported the idea that politicians are easily corruptible. Because of the difficulties of being successful in politics due to high competition from possibly corrupt competitors, they are tempted to take the unethical route. Furthermore, being exposed to such a corrupt environment and seeing the immoral actions of others, politicians are likely to follow what others do. This would make them think that they are not breaking any laws or being corrupt in any way since they would not stop to think about their actions. They can easily justify themselves by pointing out how they are not much
One reason why plagiarism is an issue of integrity and honesty is because doing so can cost someone something they’ve worked hard for. CNN journalist, Marie-Louise Gumuchian, lost her job because she “had published about 50 stories containing plagiarized work” (Wemple). Plagiarism is taken very seriously, especially in the journalism field. Therefore, the lack of Gumuchian’s honesty and integrity caused her to pay the consequence of losing her job that she worked hard to get. Similarly, in “Plagiarism Cost Degree for Senator John Walsh” by Jonathan Martin, Senator Walsh was caught plagiarizing his final graduation essay.
Plagiarism, defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary, is “the act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person”, but in simpler terms is the wrongful copying of another’s work for your own(Merriam-Webster). Plagiarism though seeming like a simple offense, can cause the downfall, if not caught, of a creative person and their work. However when justice is served, and the plagiarizer is caught, they can lose everything from their reputation to even their job. Even though plagiarism seems like a common sense crime not to commit, people such as Joe Biden, Jane Goodall, and even president Barack Obama, have been found to plagiarize another’s work. For the purpose of this essay, Jayson Blair, a once up and coming
Plagiarism is a temptation every college student faces. It's also a serious issue that doesn't always get taken care of. I think the way it has been dealt with is strange. Strange in the sense that there isn't just one procedure when it comes to the punishment of those who plagiarize. In Raymond A. Schroth's article, he focused more so on the professor's side of the issue. He also presented ways to prevent the issue in effective ways and gave information on not so effective way. I really enjoyed his approach to the article. Trip Gabriel's article brought to light just how common the issue of plagiarism is. It made me truly question the way students are taught how not to plagiarize and if it needs to be revisited or updated so it's more geared
Plagiarism destroyed this man’s political career and reputation, but history has shown me that everyone is not subject to the same scrutiny even when charged with greater offenses.
Evan Osnos writes about plagiarism and how it affects two parties or people. One being politicians, the other academic or college educator. Osnos gives an example of Montana Senator John Walsh, which was found that he’s paper that had been written were involve in some sort of plagiarism. Yet, Walsh was not punished severely, however, Osnos agues how are they not punished but professor or college students does.
Plagiarism is using someone else’s work, words, production, researches and ideas without the approval or the acknowledgment of the writer or producer, and claiming the credit for himself. Many reasons and factors are attributed for the use of plagiarism and could be cultural, historical, linguistic, environmental and educational background. Plagiarism is a form of an academic dishonesty, academic misconduct, and a digital cheating. It is declared to be an unacceptable legal act and institutional regulations. And universities, schools, and instructors do not only need to decrease plagiarism, but they must also affect positively on students writings, increase the understanding of how to use digital technology to facilitate their academic writing.
There once was a young man named Rod. Rod had worked hard for the majority of his life. He was born into a poorer family in Chicago. He took odd jobs growing up and later in life went into politics. His life was looking up he had made a name for himself and decided to run for Governor. He won and was then given a chance to decide who would fill the new president's seat in the senate. Instead of picking a member of his party, or picking the most qualified candidate he decided to accept a bribe, almost like a payment, for the seat. Now one might recognize this story. It’s the story of Rod Blagojevich, the former Illinois Governor who was impeached from office under an unanimous vote, and imprisoned for 14 years on many charges including corruption.
During the past month of March, I’ve spent much of my time in the front desk of D’ Sanchez Salon. This beauty salon has belonged to my mom for the past 8 years. She’s run the business on her own, creating her own budget and calculating her revenue by hand each month. She has no business degree and has never been to college, so after I shared this project with her, she was excited to see what accounting could do to her business.
Many people, myself included look up to individuals in an authoritative role such as; senators, governors, and presidents. We view them as being honest and sincere. They have to be right? They do want to run the country after all. Often our thoughts are “they would never lie to us or hide things from us”, but unfortunately that’s not always the case. One of the biggest political scandals to hit the United States of America was the Watergate scandal involving our very own President Richard Nixon. This scandal caused a lot of American’s to lose trust and hope in the presidency. The scandal received its name from the Watergate apartment and office complex that was located in Washington D.C., where a burglary took place on June 17, 1972 and five men were arrested. It then came to surface that the men’s intentions were to sabotage the opposite political party, when president Nixon was notified of this he order the Central Intelligence Agency to call the FBI to stop with any further investigation, that national security was at stake. President Nixon knew that it would come back to the White House and didn’t want to risk anything, even though he was never involved with the
Lifestyle of peasants in medieval Europe was tremendously challenging. Seeing that, they were at the bottom of the European feudal system that foresaw peasants as the main working force. During the Middle Ages the concrete structure of the society classified individuals from the moment they were born. Which resulted in, no significant changes attributed to the work one was able to endure. Meanwhile; homes, clothing, food and marriage were the prominent contributors that determined your status/class. For means of survival peasants worked extremely long hours each day to obtain the basic necessities of; food, shelter and clothing. Most peasants were farmers however, a select few were Tradesmen who work as Miller's or in the tavern establishment. Peasants obeyed their local Lord swearing an “oath of obedience” on the Bible. This ensured to peasants loyalty and commitment to a Lord, in aspirations of producing goods and other fineries.
In colloquial language plagiarism is the concept of stealing someone’s piece of work or someone’s idea. It is clear that plagiarising is unjust and immoral, however now a days it is becoming more difficult to come up with original ideas as the media allows students to have open access to all information and the producer or author must be very careful to not use somebody else’s work unintentionally and claim it as theirs. It is important to educate students about plagiarism as it can carry major consequences. The concept of plagiarism with reference to policy will be outlined and also the steps helping students and authors to avoid plagiarism in this assignment.
Plagiarism in writing, which could be defined as borrowing a creator’s original ideas and/or words without attributing credits where it’s due, is considered a big concern in higher-education level. The difference in ways of writing among regions and countries baffled me, thus resulted in my interest in the topic. One of the ethical issue concerns the role cultural background plays in forming students’ way of writing: some believe that plagiarism is acceptable in Asian countries, claiming plagiarism is a concept produced and mainly employed into practice in the Western nations, while other counter plagiarism is perceived the same way everywhere in the world – to be frowned upon. This essay will mainly explore the notion of whether culture shapes the way students perceive plagiarism, and if the previous statement stands true, should it be appreciated as one’s tradition.
Academic learning in today’s changing world brings demands to future professionals. Whether in a traditional classroom, or through distance learning, one thing is similar and which cannot bring forth a successful educational future. One thing that can damage anyone’s academic future is plagiarism. Whether being the future of a straight “A” student, or a student who is just getting by. The fact remains that anyone can fall victim to plagiarism. Plagiarism is the use of other writer’s words without acknowledging the source and taking those words and passing them off as one’s own ideas (Jones, 2001). Some people may think plagiarism is just copying someone else’s work but in reality plagiarism is much serious and hold very serious
Plagiarism in today's “copy and paste generation” is an unremitting, complex issue that is not yet fully understood.