
The Code Of Academic Honesty At Cornell University

Decent Essays

Abstract Plagiarism can be described in different ways depending on the policy of the academic or professional institution. Consequences of plagiarizing work have a significant impact on the individual. Strategies exist to help avoid plagiarism. There are policies for academic integrity in all of academia. Keywords: Plagiarism There are many definitions of plagiarism. The Code of Academic Honesty at Cornell University described this act as “the unacknowledged use of the words or ideas of others” (2005). “Using the words, sentences, arguments, rhetorical structures, and ideas of another without proper citation and acknowledgment” is how plagiarism was defined in the Code of Academic Honesty at the University of Iowa (2016). The Honor Code …show more content…

As a student, the aftereffects of plagiarism usually occur in a common sequence. The first consequence begins with a verbal warning (“Honor Code”, 2012) and the next offense can come in the form of a written warning. After written warnings are given the guilty party can be suspended. However, consequences of plagiarism can be even further reaching. Suspension or expulsion from the university, or academic institution where research was taken place, can occur. Beyond these outcomes, recommendations for punishment can include counseling and community service (“Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism”). Academics can also be culpable of plagiarism. The difference between the punishment goes beyond warnings and suspensions that a student faces. If caught plagiarizing the careers of professors, researchers, or even librarians can be destroyed. Academics can lose their ability to publish papers in a case where they are found guilty of misrepresenting another person’s work the (“6 Consequences of Plagiarism”). Publishing is a crucial part of being an academic. Not having this ability can not only result in the guilty party losing their position, they can lose all academic …show more content…

Plagiarism in conjunction with a word processors, such as Microsoft Word. Many websites, such as and, have services that allow the author to compare their work to documented academic sources. Plagiarism can also come in the form of incorrect formatting of citations. Software programs, such as EndNote and Zotero, can be used to import citations and construct reference lists. In any educational or work setting integrity is paramount. Consequences of plagiarism can severely effect one’s academic or professional reputation. Proper citation of one’s sources can be easily detected with the evolution of plagiarism software. At the same time, this technology can also aid in creating an appropriately-cited document. References 6 Consequences of Plagiarism. Retrieved August 25, 2016, from Code of Academic Honesty. (2016, May 11). Retrieved August 25, 2016, from Code of Academic Honesty. (2005). Retrieved August 25, 2016 from

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