
Consequences Of The Blue Hotel And Tennessee's Partner

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All Actions Have Consequences, Sometimes
In Stephen Crane’s The Blue Hotel and Bret Harte’s Tennessee's Partner, many themes are evident; some of these themes are easily recognizable while others depend on the perception of the reader. The stories share the themes of personal integrity and that all actions have consequences. However, there are several themes that are unique to each story that can have a diverse effect on the reader, such as the rules of society to fear of the unknown. The plot and storyline of Tennessee’s Partner is straightforward, but after reading the complex, diverse plot and storyline of Crane’s The Blue Hotel, one can imagine many different plots that could have taken place throughout the story. Through illusions, the reader can take what each author presents and let his or her imagination do the rest; there is not a set feeling or reaction that the every reader will obtain. In both stories, distinct and diverse motifs are present ranging from personal integrity and all actions have consequences, which are found throughout both stories.
The characters Tennessee partner in the story, Tennessee’s Partner, have a complicated but strong relationship. At first, we see them as good friends to one another, but later on Tennessee does some unkind things to his partner. However, Tennessee's partner is not upset about this, and upon Tennessee’s return, he is the first to greet him and shake his hand. Showing his true integrity Tennessee’s partner never holds a grudge on Tennessee. Throughout the rest of the story, Tennessee’s partner never downgrades Tennessee for the things he did and stood by his side to the end. Nevertheless, all of the bad choices Tennessee made caught up with him. No matter what Tennessee’s partner did, he could not fix the amount of damage Tennessee caused himself. Therefore, all of his bad actions had consequences were well overdue. Comparing, The Blue Hotel, there are similarities, including integrity and all actions have consequences. The Swede drives himself insane, trapped by his fixed idea about the unknown environment of the west. Causing the people around him to feel uncertain and standoffish. Consequently, his attitude toward other characters throughout the

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