
Conservation Vs Religion

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Discuss the proposition that religion and conservation are natural partners. The modern conservation movement, with a reliance on a purely scientific paradigm, has proved unsuccessful. The rate of biodiversity loss, unsustainable consumerism, and ecosystem destruction has not slowed down, and only 7% of global land surface has been saved. This is despite the wealth of information provided by western scientists how environmental degradation is harmful for the health of individuals, communities, our species, and our planet. “The environmental crisis is more than a matter of information, knowledge, and skills.”10 In order to form more effective, long-term policies and shift apathetic attitudes, scientific data and additionally TEK (Traditional …show more content…

White argues that the impact of science and technology dominated by western, Judeo-Christian thought, is what is responsible for the environmental crisis.13 The Abrahamic religions do not believe in spirits within natural objects, and see man as made in god’s image, not as part of the ecosystem. She interprets Genesis’s creation story as the cause of the man/nature dualism and the legitimizing source for man to exploit nature.. “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” (Genesis 1:26)8 White’s recommendation that the “roots of religion must also be the remedy” supports a religion-conservation collaboration, but was religion really the cause in the first place? 13 Hillel’s critique of White argues for an alternative interpretation of the creation story, one based on the fundamental Christian beliefs of God’s unconditional love and human stewardship. Adam should not be seen as nature’s dominator, but as a caretaker with a responsibility towards protecting and conserving the resources within it. Greed in developed countries and lack of sustainable alternatives in developing ones should be blamed for environmental degradation, not this framework of human accountability on its impact in nature, which is precisely in line with the conservation

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