
Conservatist Bias In The Movie Amistad

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How could someone possible find it in their conscience to be alright with slavery? Easy, we just have to look at a few main cognitive biases, such as selective perception, the ostrich effect, the choice-supportive bias, the confirmation bias, the bandwagon effect, an availability heuristic, and most of all in this case, the conservatism bias. Not only have we these seven biases affecting the conscientious decisions of the people at this time, but there was also the notion that, since they believed that their captives would have been taking part in “slavery” on their own country anyway, it was alright. The people saw slavery being accepted all around and before them, which drew them into part of this vicious cycle which caused slavery and its subsequent injustices to be accepted for so long. …show more content…

First looking at the conservatism bias, because it is the most important one in this case, shown, in part, by being brought up in the film. “Who we are is who we were.” this quote of both John Quincy Adams and Cinque in the film, Amistad, implies that, in conjunction with this aforementioned cognitive bias, people favor prior evidence or information which they already have observed. Since this bias is also what, in part, led to people being slow to accept that the Earth was round, it is easy to see how, in the case of something which any evidence could be passed off as being mere opinion, this shows how a powerful bias such as this could have such a great effect in this

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