
Conspiracy Theories Of The American Conspiracy

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Conspiracy has been deeply rooted into American culture since before the Constitution. Many Americans still believe that there are secret societies of the elite that exert great influence in not just the American government, but events on an international scale as well. These conspiracy theories appeal to a populist perspective, one that says that there are people much more powerful than the average American and they are knowingly infringing on American liberties, with the goal to either control or harm the country. These supposed conspiracy groups are well known because they have become engrained in America’s culture for hundreds of years; elite groups such as the Illuminati and the Freemasons are known for stirring political anxiety in the early years of the American Republic. Some of this anxiety would be justified early on, but much of it would later prove to be hysteria and paranoia. As those Masonic groups would die down in relevance as the years went on, the paranoia that they created in conspiracy theorist’s minds would be replaced by other branches of secret societies for the elite that were focused on wealth, political power, and globalist visions. Elite invite-only groups, such as the Bilderbergs, the Skull and Bones, and the Bohemian Club are all looked at by some conspiracy theorists as organizing a New World Order that is outside of the public’s eyes. Furthermore, other conspiracy theorists believe that it is not the secret societies that Americans should be

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