
Constitution Vs Constitution Essay

Decent Essays

What two documents have been able to guide and sustain a mass of people in becoming great nations?
They are separate documents who have both impacted the formation of a great nation. They are well known to most of the society today and they continue to strengthen the United states of America daily.
Since I have not identified these documents thoroughly, I'll tell you that the well-respected documents are The Holy Bible and the Constitution of America. It makes sense that The Holy Bible is one of the great documents because you can't go wrong with the truth, and all of the Bible is true. On another thought, the Constitution has been sustaining this nation for two-hundred and twenty-seven years, and I believe that good things have happened because of its guidance. A few …show more content…

I find keeping a book of opinions from each House of Representatives is a great idea because it keeps the people of the House accountable to each other. I believe that checks and balances help the Constitution of America become more successful because of the intelligent ideas put in the constitution by Thomas Jefferson and James

My second topic that I want to discuss with you is about the protection and militia of the United States because of the Constitution of America. An important law for protection says no one can be a representative if they have not attained to the age of twenty-five years, and have been a U.S. Citizen for at least seven years. He also has to be an inhabitant of the same state that he was elected for. This protects our country from false identities and people who are not U.S. Citizens. Another intelligent thing that the constitution says is that the Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay for the common defense and general Welfare of America, and all of

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