
, Contact Sports And Contact Sports

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Taking Precautions Why are constant blows to the head causing these fatal diseases? Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal painless disease that slowly breakdown the motor neurons in the spinal cord. ALS is absent muscle cells attacks every part of the body except the brain. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a non-curable disease that is formed by constant recurring head trauma damaging the malfunction of the body. CTE damages the brain by the buildup of abnormal proteins called Tau. Athletes are getting diagnosed with these two diseases at a very young because they are participating in contact sports so young. Contact sports have a huge impact with ALS and CTE because they are not educating the athletes about the diseases and they are not demanding a change on the safety rules. With contact sports comes with constant blows to the head that create concussions and brain injuries and they are very prone to be the main reason of why athletes are getting CTE. While the rules of the game should not be changed, the safety rules should be, the athletes should be getting educated on ALS and CTE to know the risks of the contacts sports. ALS being a fatal disease it is not contagious it is heredity. ALS is a progressive neurological disease that that affects the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. “Amyotrophic” comes from the Greek Language meaning “No muscle nourishment” and when the muscles have no nourishment it wastes away, “lateral” is the spinal cord and

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