
Contrast Of Presidential Campaign Positions Of McCain And Obama

Decent Essays

Contrast of presidential *campaign positions of McCain and Obama. From year to year, presidential elections face many controversial problems that involve candidates’ personality and ideas, and they have a great influence on voters’ decisions. Many journalists and politicians express their feelings about upcoming presidential elections in provocative articles, revealing accomplishments of one and limitations of another, but the only right way to find out who our candidates are, and what are their real intentions, is to let them turn their ideas into life. Just remember the words of President George Bush during the 2000 campaign about building a nation. His position was very clear and stated that it is none of the government’s business, and …show more content…

He will also “establish permanent tax credit equal to 10 percent of wages spent or R&D”. McCain plans a retirement tax cut, to be exact, to lower Medicare premiums, and to “reform budgeting to treat equally spending and taxes and to stop damaging tax hikes”. Finally, he adds that “he is going to fight the Democrats’ crippling plans for a tax increases in 2011,” which compose about 700 dollars per person. (McCain J. , McCain Tax Cut Plan, 2008) It is surprising that Obama has no word about tax increases in his economic issues section; probably he has it in his official plan and there is no secret about it, but still, can we accuse him of not telling the whole truth? It is pretty clear that an average voter never reads official plans, and he will never know about tax increases if somebody like Mr. McCain, for example, will not reveal it for public. It would be foolish to assume that an excuse might be that elections are in 2009, and plans for 2011 can be reported in 2011, as candidates should inform their voters about all plans during their presidential term. Not less important question in economic development is trading policy and employment. Both candidates have a variety of valuable ideas about this issue. John McCain stresses his attention on lowering barriers to trade; he “will engage in multilateral,

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