
Contrast: The Eucharist

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3.3.3 Eucharist

The Eucharist is the central and most fruitful sacrament of the saving healing grace of God in Christ and in the Church. The Eucharist is an efficacious sign of healing faith, hope and love that enables the each believer to radiate wholeness and peace, to serve the poor, to care for the sick and to heal the depressed and the suffering. It is memorial celebration through which we meet Christ in grateful remembrance of how reached out to the outcast and the sick while proclaiming the good news. In this memorial celebration, as we thank and praise him for having borne our burden, he inscribes in our hearts and memories his mandate to bare a part of the burden of others, especially of the sick. Thus we participate in his caring-healing …show more content…

However, unlike, other two sacraments, it is intended specially for the sick and aged. In this regard we must bring into our mind our saviour Jesus Christ who was a compassionate physician who cured all who were afflicted, thereby, fulfilling what had been said through Isaiah the Prophet: “it was our infirmities he bore our suffering” (Mt16:17). Today in the name of Christ, the church continues her mission through her ministers to visit, comfort, and strengthen and frequently to heal those who are afflicted with illness to weakened by …show more content…

St. James also mentions in his letter about the anointing of the sick and the restoration of health (Jam 5:13-16). Today many of the Catholics would like to have anointing of the sick while some dislike this sacrament. Through the celebration of the sacrament, the sick person encounters our Lord himself and experiences his saving and healing presence. Pastors today, have the sole responsibility of taking care of the sick or those who are not able to come for the church. This is very much insisted in the Vatican II, “Pastors of souls will take every care to make it possible for the sick and aged to receive the Eucharist frequently even if they are not gravely ill or in danger of death” (SCR9). Therefore, the faithful must be properly catechized with regard to this sacrament to restore the spiritual and physical health. The sick person must be encouraged to open his/her whole life to the grace of God and the priest should encourage the sick to offer themselves

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