
Contributions Of Robert Merton

Decent Essays

Robert K. Merton (1910-2003) is one of the classical writers who have significantly shaped the intellectual and institutional development of the social sciences throughout his lifetime. Although of an American descent, Merton is not a typical example of a “modern” American sociologist such as Talcott Parsons who Merton studied under, yet unlike Parsons he does not fit the criteria of a “traditional” theorist (Robert K. Merton and Contemporary Sociology, Mongardini and Rabboni). He has exerted an enormous influence on the development of sociology and Sztompka has called his roles as gate-opener and gate keeper (1986): 18-20). Predominantly most of his output is in the form of long, introductions articles, extended essays, discussions and reviews …show more content…

Its focus is narrowed and the orientation towards the present goes mutually with its increasing professionalization and specialization. Merton’s work has been praised and throughout his career, more than twenty universities awarded him honorary degrees. He was very passionate about the sociology of science and he was interested in the importance of interactions between cultural and social structures and science. Among some of the notable concepts that were developed by Merton would be ‘role model’, ‘reference group’, ‘unintended consequences’ and ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’. His other contributions to the field also aided other fields such as the study of social psychology, bureaucracy, social stratification, communications and deviance. ( Merton did not just coin but he also loved memorable phrases and their patterns of association in which they were passed on. One of his most famous work traces the phrase, “if I have seen farther it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” and it is with this quote that the success of his book ‘On the Shoulders of Giants’ (1965) is associated with. The contribution of Robert K. Merton to sociology is his passion for the social sciences and continuous research that he developed throughout his

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