
Contributions Of The Kidneys, Robert Merton And Herbert Spencer

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The functionalist perspective states that society is a whole and as a whole the society keeps its parts structured and maintain its stability. A functionalist perspective is consisted of institutions such as schools, the government, ect. Anomie results if the institution does not fulfill its role. Emile Durkheim, Robert Merton and Herbert Spencer plays a major contribution in the functionalist perspective. Think of your kidneys and how the extract waste from your blood, urine and balance your body fluids. Now, imagine if your kidneys are working correctly, then one will be at less risk to experience the complications of not having kidneys that aren’t working. But, lets say your kidneys stop working. Now your kidneys aren’t working, which leads to you becoming anemic, having high potassium, fluid buildup, obtaining heart or bone disease. This is an example of a functionalist perspective and an example of the institution not fulfilling its role. If a human had all these complications but their kidneys were functioning properly then this would cause confusion in society. This is called anomie. In reality the kidneys should stop working. The term anomie can from Emile Durkheim. Emile Durkheim’s explains anomie as “a time of profound social change, when people have lost their sense of purpose or direction”. In other words, anomie is when social behavior is ineffective and they have lost direction. The functionalist perspective is a macro level of sociology. It is considered a

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