
Contriversial, Provocative, and Award Winning Film, "Bowling for Columbine"

Decent Essays

Premise The writer and filmmaker, a moderately aggressive champion for liberal causes is as always-challenging America's gun culture with his latest endeavor, the documentary "Bowling for Columbine." "Bowling for Columbine," was awarded the Special Prize of the 55th Cannes Film Festival. It had already made history by being the first documentary chosen to be part of the official festival competition in almost 50 years. There is no getting around the fact that "Bowling for Columbine" is a provocative, controversial film that is going to make a lot of people angry. But the work claimed by the author is an honest expression of what he and the general public sees and believes. I am not inclined to soften what I do to appease those whom I …show more content…

It's hard to argue with that; in fact it's hard to argue with most of Moore's points about our nation's propensity for violence. It's hard not to laugh nervously at some of his strange encounters in the film, like the footage in which he opens an account at a small-town bank where free checking also comes with a free firearm. I personally agree with almost everything he stands for in the film, which includes unequivocal condemnations of imperialistic American foreign policy he notes that our nation helped train Osama bin Laden and his army, gave $4 billion to Saddam Hussein in the 1980s, and has helped overthrow democratically elected governments all over the world which, he sees as a contributing factor to our culture of violence. For all its shrewd, piercing sagacity, being so blindly agenda-driven hurts "Bowling for Columbine." I can't call it a good movie just because I agree with most of what Moore has to say. But I can say it's a movie every American should see. Repeatedly, he returns to the issue of fear in the movie, claiming that excessive coverage of gun violence by the media makes Americans scared of each other and therefore more violent. This circular argument doesn't make any sense either. On the one hand, Moore has made an entire film purporting to investigate why the U.S. has the highest rate of gun violence in the developed world. He then attempts to answer the question by

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