The source relates to the question, “What are some of the controversial issues in racial profiling by the police?” more in the sense of depending on race, ethnicity, other background information, and where people live can relate a lot to how police racially profile people. If it is a high crime area, police are more likely to be suspicious and react differently to people in the community. If it is a high crime area where a lot of the population is a certain racial group, then police may profile more towards that racial group then other groups in that community. One of the authors, Whitney, did research and found, “Whenever black or whites had been compared with Orientals in roughly the same geographical areas, Orientals had always had the lowest
The Fourth Amendment protects the right of people to be secure in their persons, ‘
This article interests me because they are eager to respond in this kind of situation by suspending the priest, whose mistake only is to used the product of modern technology as a way of reaching his young parishioners during mass, while the diocese authorities never suspend priests who keep molesting children.
. Racial profiling has always led to heated debates, but in general, there is a consensus that it is an offensive tactic that must be stopped, nevertheless if the argument is about profiling in airports, the public opinion is divided. It seems that many are willing to sacrifice their convictions and civil rights for a sense of safety in this war against terrorism.
According to the 11 Facts about Racial Discrimination, “The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics concluded that an African American male born in 2001 has a 32% chance of going to jail in his lifetime, while a Latino male has a 17% chance, and a white male only has a 6% chance” (11 Facts about Racial Discrimination 1). Racial profiling, or discriminating against a whole group of people based on their race, is an unjust act and a big problem in our society today. Arresting people because of how they look like, or what they believe in is absurd. According to ACLU, “Racial Profiling refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual 's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin” (ACLU 1). Although law enforcement assumes they are doing their job, they need to remain objective and fair in all situations, because they are violating rights, lacking protection and risking lives.
Since the birth of our nation, racial profiling has been an issue longstanding and troubling among minority groups and still continues to exhibit severe consequences in communities.
“If someone puts their hands on you make sure they never put their hands on anybody else” (Malcolm X) is a contestable ideal. Do we Americans allow our law enforcement to continue killing innocent African Americans whose own ancestors contribute to the success of this nation? No! We cannot sit on the sidelines and watch innocent lives ruined over and over again. We must auscultate to the cries of our four fathers. In order to halt the self-destruction of this nation we should fight for change in the police force, attempt to cease the embodiment of racial profiling, and support the efforts of those striving to bring about change.
Just what is racial profiling? Racial profiling is a law enforcement and security agency practice that encourages officers to stop, search, and investigate people based on race, ethnicity, nationality or religion. While racial profiling is most commonly committed against ethnic minorities, many instances of racial profiling occur in reaction to specific crimes, making any racial or cultural group subject to more intensive scrutiny by the authorities. ( This is what I think bout racial profiling, it like it occurs when the police targets someone for investigation on the basis of that person's race, national origin, or ethnicity. Examples are the use of race to determine which drivers to stop for minor traffic
What makes America? Is it the freedoms granted to any American citizen? Is it the way the founding fathers fought for their own freedom against Britain? Is it instead the racial history behind this nation? America, since its origins has been a country of immigrants and for immigrants, yet since its origins, there has been discriminatory laws against blacks, Latinos, Asians, and every other race that is not considered white or Caucasian. Has this country that has been based upon racial profiling, that has fought wars as one nation (and even against themselves at one point), and has triumphed through the Civil Rights movement finally succumbed to justice or is racial profiling just as prominent today? Racial profiling still exists in America because ____________________, ___________________, and _____________________. (3 reasons stated in thesis)
There are many types of racism in America that cause people to make accusations against law enforcement for discrimination. One type of racism is racial profiling. It is a strategy that encourages police officers to stop and question minorities only because of their race. It takes place in a variety of routine police encounters. Unmotivated searches occur everyday among the minority groups. Could you imagine waking up and being scared to walk outside your house because of the color of your skin? This is a fear of almost everyone belonging to a minority group. This continues to be a widespread problem throughout the country.
In the Justice System there are a lot of flaws that affect many people of color, and from past history, it has shown how these practices can lead to very unfortunate events, one of these practices is racial profiling. Racial profiling is when law enforcement uses race and ethnicity as grounds to determine if someone, typically of color, is guilty of doing something illegal. Racial profiling is a major problem in this country, this as well affects many citizens that are mainly of color because law enforcement usually sees them as targets, and it is important to improve and fixed this issue because there are many tragic incidents that have been caused of racial profiling.
Racial profiling remains a dormant issue in the United States. It is the act of the authority, mostly, police officers linking minority status to criminal behaviour (Glover, 2007). Several police officers in the United States target specific groups because they don’t display characteristics of typical Caucasian individuals (Glover, 2007). To put history into context, before 9/11, not many police officers profiled individuals based on their ethnic backgrounds but after the attack, there was an increase in racial profiling (Harris, 2006). A racial profiling method that became prevalent in the 1980s in the United States was administered by the U.S Drug Enforcement Administration. Operation Pipeline was a program that they launched to help police officers catch drug traffickers (Harris, 2006). In a video, they taught police officers to look for clues that would help them recognize criminals. It was noticed that police officers made a majority of stops to people with Hispanic last names (Harris, 2006). Marshall Frank, a former police officer was asked what police officers should do if they saw an African man driving around a white community. Frank responded by stating that the police officers should stop the vehicle and investigate the reason to why he was there even if there was no occurrence of a crime (Harris, 2006).
The alarms blare and the rain pours as three burglars jump through the broken windows of the bank. Money bags and pistols in hand, they shoot the police as they try to apprehend them. The police return fire, but are unsuccessful in stopping them. The burglars sprint to their getaway car and speed off, police chasing them. The burglars and police enter a firefight and shoot at each other nonstop. The police chase the burglars to a dead end, knowing the burglars cannot escape. They get out of their cars, flashlights and pistols in hand, and yell “Freeze!” They walk forward and stare in disbelief. The only thing in front of them is a dead end alleyway. The burglars had simply vanished!
Racial issues have become less significant in today’s society than in earier American societies. In today’s society, many racial equality measures have been taking to ensure every social group and ethnicity is being treated equally throughout the United States. Although many actions have started to rise and fight against the idea of racism, racial issues still exist. Racism is the perception that a person has regarding a social group and can physically see differences of their traits from an observable aspect. Although racial profiling is and was an important issue in America, it is slowly dying out and being replaced with new found values of today’s society.
Racial profiling has become a severe obstacle in the U.S. today though most Americans know very little of this vital issue. Every day, people are being pulled over, harassed, and even killed for being of a certain race. There are new laws that politicians are trying to pass that promote racial discrimination. Racial profiling is immoral and does not increase public safety.
There are several forms of racism. The biggest form of racism is racial profiling. Racial profiling is “the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting of having committed an offense.” Why are there so many controversial issues regarding racial profiling? Why is it more likely for colored folks to get pulled over? Are they getting pulled over for a legit reason or just because? It is said that police are more likely to pull over and frisk colored people that the whites. “Thus, African Americans (and some other minorities) are trapped in what some have labeled the ‘joint frustration’ syndrome: African Americans, who are far more often the victims of crime, are simultaneously the most dependent upon and the most distrustful of the justice