
Controversy: A Short Story

Decent Essays

“They’ve been saying that he’s not right in the head anymore since having become ill, if he was ever right in the head in the first place. But, people are also saying that he’s no longer under the protection of the volunteers. That he’s just like how all the people were before the volunteers’ arrival, back during the great wars. He’s become wicked.” “You don’t actually believe that, do you?” Cassidy incredulously asked. “And, you, Vera, do you believe such rubbish, too?” “He has always been weird, Cass, you know that,” Vera responded. “And, now he’s preaching all this awful stuff about the volunteers, and everyone knows he even became violent at his Saturday school class a few weeks ago.” “What?” Cassidy scoffed. “I think it’s the two of …show more content…

“What do you plan on using it for?” “For our grand enlightenment,” Inez expressed. “The one we’re going to bestow on our world,” he then said bombastically. “It will be the catalyst for our world’s grand awakening.” “And, just what does that entail?” Cassidy interrogated further having sounded a bit anxious. “What do you plan to do?” “You know that statue out in front of the town hall?” Inez asked, but then he didn’t wait at all for Cassidy to respond. “The one dedicated to the volunteers that depicts a bunch of people and children sowing the seeds of the new world’s resurgence after the great wars.” “Yeah, I’m familiar with it,” answered Cassidy. “Yeah, well, I’m going to make that giant bronze monstrosity crumble to ashes after this baby right here zaps it full of microwaves and distorts its coding. And, after the people get to witness it all happen before their very eyes, we’ll finally have their attention. They can look and see firsthand all the proof they’ll ever need of the statue having been phony all this time. Proof in the form of the myriad lines worth of the volunteers’ codes that we’ll have captured on my computer’s program that I wrote.” “Then, what?” Phillip asked inquisitive to find out what the next part of Inez’s plan

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