
Controversy On Human Rights In China

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Human Rights in China
Ruled by the Chinese Communist Party for more than six decades, China remains a near authoritarian state, which violates numerous human rights in accordance to the U.N.’s human rights conduct daily, including freedom of expression, association, assembly, and religion. The unjust actions of the communist government is apparent to even to those who see it from the outside, the Chinese government continues to lie to its people about the state of its country and how “stable” they seem. In reality many reforms need to occur in order for the Chinese government to revert to a more humane state and until then china will remain a large enemy of human rights activists and a more equal country. Currently the citizens of china are …show more content…

Although China ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in June 2008, persons with disabilities face a range of barriers, including lack of access to education and forced institutionalization. In China, one in four children with disabilities is not in school because of discrimination and exclusion. Official guidelines even allow universities to deny enrollment in certain subjects if the applicants have certain disabilities. In April, the Chinese Education Ministry announced that it would allow Braille or electronic exams for national university entrance, but in a landmark case to test this initiative, blind activist Li Jincheng was not provided with the electronic exams he had requested, but a Braille version which he did not know how to read. Li’s case highlights the difficulties people with disabilities have in being provided with reasonable accommodation, a right that is still not recognized under Chinese law. New regulations on access to education for people with disabilities drafted in 2013 were not adopted in 2014. Through these facts we can see that the Chinese government truly doesn’t want its citizens to be testing their laws and restrict all the people the can including the disabled, crippled, old, and poor. We can see that the Chinese don’t have respect for their normal citizens none the less those who try the laws of the …show more content…

In an important step in November, a patient currently held in a psychiatric hospital invoked the law in a lawsuit brought in Shanghai challenging his confinement. According to Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD), central government rules require local officials to meet a quota of institutionalizing two out of every 1,000 people who allegedly have “serious mental illnesses.”(Human Rights Watch) In conclusion, china has become such a despicable place for human rights that it has surmised to a modern form of Hitler's reign. Its citizens are simply numbers in the face of its government and will be slaughtered if not obeyed as seen in recent history. However this ends this decade. With the constant addition of activists and human rights lawyers as well as the still rising umbrella revolution members there is still hope for freedom of speech, assembly, and religion for the Chinese

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