
Controversy On Light

Decent Essays

Light being a particle or wave has provoked controversy amongst many scientists across the world. Back then some scientist argued that light was a particle and not a wave. Others, however, believed that light was a wave and thought it had no properties of a particle. Einstein decided to take matters into his own hands and find out what light was with the help of Max Planck.
Light, to begin with, is electromagnetic radiation that is extremely wide or small but enough for it to be visible for us to see. There are various types of color with different wavelengths that affect us in different ways. For example, the light from the Sun warms up the Earth and keeps us from freezing to death. Other types of Light like ultraviolet with shorter wavelength …show more content…

The light had both properties and was surprised because no one has ever seen something like this. So how is the light a wave? Well, we found out that light has wavelengths and they push the energy outwards and to prove this scientist conducted experiments to understand light more. These experiments conducted evidence that light was a wave and not a particle. Huygens’ Principle, was a prediction of where the light waves will be. Wavelet is a half circle that expands and continues to even when there are objects in the way and kind of bending the light and making it weaker as it moves throughout a dark room because they either don't have that much energy or because the wavelengths cancel each other out. Frequency also proves that light is a wave because we see different colors with each different wavelengths. For example, light with a higher frequency tense to be blue and light with a lower frequency is red. This concludes that light is not just a particle but is also a …show more content…

Isaac Newton observed that light traveled in a direct line which led him to think that light was made up little particles. Although when you shine two lights opposite from each other they did not collide and scatter everywhere. He saw that they went through each other which made him confused. He also saw that when the light hit the water it bent, (This 'bending of a ray of light' when it passes from one substance into another substance is called refraction). Even though he didn't completely understand light he still made extraordinary discovers like the one I listed above.
Lasers are (emission of electromagnetic radiation) and (high-speed electrons are forced to move in a circular path by a magnetic field). Light is made up of photos compacted with energy. The short the wave the greater the energy. Because green light has a shorter wavelength it can active some dyes because of it’s intensity. A strong laser has the power to heat things up because it’s the intense power. This goes to show how light can be absorbed and generate

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