September third in convocation many people including myself that attended were very inspired. The convocations meeting has many different aspects to it. first walking in you heard the band playing which was nice to hear after that we saw line of many older people who have graduated with degrees going inside starting the meeting. Honesty this being my first convocation meeting I was not very fond of the thought of going especially after hearing all the upperclassmen big bad about it. So when I saw all those people going onto the stage I thought they were all going to have very long speeches so i immediately had an internal cry about how my back was going to feel afterwards . However, only one person came to speak his name is Mr Knight. …show more content…
The speech was very short and inspiring. I loved the speech because, it was nothing I expected which was to be writing notes about how to be successful in your classes. Instead of giving us the rules he told us how to keep ourselves inspired and what we need to get through our lives he basically was saying we need to keep God close to us. I was inspired by the speech because, I do believe in God but I sometime forget that I am favored by God and I can do all things through him. I was reminded that God is my provider and not to stress about anything because with him everything will go right. What Mr.Knight said was a push for me to keep doing scholarships even though the only ones available are difficult to receive. I was also reminded who I am as a Christian and what I should be doing and what I should not be focused on. He gave 3 testimonies and one thing the people say is that through testimony others become healed , and I was mentally. I regained my faith in God. Growing up in a Christian household, my siblings and I have always been taught to set our standards high in
The SAN policy controls whether a newly discovered disk is brought online or stays offline, and whether it turns out to be read/write or if it remains read-only.
Hearing Jay Erskine Leutze speak at the convocation helped me to further understand his book Stand Up That Mountain. I was able to understand why he had written the book and what led him to be passionate about conservation. It also helped me understand the importance of the Appalachian Trail and what a true beauty it is and that it was worth the fight for the people that call it home.
I came into Norwalk Community College looking for a fresh start. I previously attended a 4 year university that became too much for me; attending school full-time, working 30 hours per week while trying to enjoy the college experience. At the cost of an “experience” I ended up failing most of my classes, putting my health at risk drowned by the tremendous amount of stress and just wanted to completely give up. Looking for a fresh start I decided to leave my University, and attend Norwalk Community College. Though this decision created self-doubt in the beginning, it soon came to my realization that it was the best decision I ever made. Immersed in an environment full of positive people, I was able to put my pieces back together.
Reach Out with a question to the NCU Librarian. Explain your question and answer you received and how that facilitated your used of the NCU Library.
Daniel Tosh was once a former University of Central Florida and is now a comedian. UCF was founded in June 10, 1963 and is located near Orlando, Florida. The cost for this school is expensive just to enter and join. Campus life in the college is some amazing and fair. For the requirements people don’t have to do so much just to join in.The parties are mostly crazy and the size of the school is pretty sizeable. The University of Central Florida has a reasonable size, price, campus life and much more.
The years go by to fast so choosing the colleges or universities is very important in our juniors years and senior years. It's better to be ready for college and have your future set go. Katy Hopkins “there more than one college you can go to” which is very true. There are a lot waiting and you can go too. Setting the pros and cons are very important to set for college, Katy Hopkins says “rank your priorities”. The college can help you with loans, Katy Hopkins says to “compare financial aid pages” which is right to find out the better college to help. Staying close to the college is very smart to do, safe gas and money Katy Hopkins says “go back to school” which is saying to stay close to it as you can.
Curtis Hill’s presentation was a presentation that was full of compassion and love. He was so kind enough to share the personal story of his daughter with the whole student body in the auditorium. His daughter was a very successful student when she started her first years in college. She received top tier grades and before you knew It she pledged into a sorority on campus. It seemed like everything was going well for her but then she felt like she did not want to continue with school anymore . She started having thoughts of suicide, but soon she overcame them through the help of her family. His daughter showed resilience and came back to school and graduated!
College can be very helpful in more ways than just giving people more head knowledge. I do not disagree that people will benefit from learning a trade skill. In my personal opinion I think we should teach the basics of some trade skills in high school, and let the student decide if a college education is something they want to pursue. After coming to a college I do see that people should come even if it is for two years. The debt is always in issue when coming to school, but there are plans you can make to pay them off. Coming to college can do a lot to help anyone, but for the students that are coming right out of high school, college can be a safe place for them to experience the real world. In some cases it can give them some much needed
The option to get a higher education is a strand of the American dream. Especially with today's economy the cost of college tuition is increasing every year. Going to college changes students language, application, and self gratitude; through all this it still makes the student a better person. Yet sometimes students aren't always aware of the changes they go through.
is a process in which water is slowly dripped onto a person's forehead, allegedly driving the restrained victim insane, a result of prolonged restraint under irritating conditions.
UIC Honors College has always been my ambition since the day I decided to go to college. One of the main reason to go to Honors College is because it gives me opportunity to work with Excellent Professor and also learning under their guidance is the prestige experience that I want to gain in my life. Not only that, by getting those need and merit based scholarships would help me fulfill my priority, to support my family financially. I want myself to be part of the leadership opportunities that the honors college offers. Moreover, being a constituent of the community that encourages the development of academic excellence helps me to gain important parts of my life that will be helpful in my future. Moving forwards,
From what I hear, from my fellow freshman class, the convocation was a very enlightening experience along with extremely successful motivating
How did this event connect you with your readings, classroom experience and/or general knowledge about
In the United States, starting salaries for teachers who have completed a four-year degree are far lower compared to many other professions, which also require a four-year degree. In most states, teachers must undergo testing and other rigorous certification requirements, but they are given the same consideration or status as beginning professionals in other areas. Although attractive incentives are offered, the compensation does not compare to the long hours of work and schooling required for a teaching career.
Henderson, Mrs. Sherri Coale, and the alumni that came back to speak, among many others, helped me in my development as a person. For example, Dr. Henderson’s lesson on not chasing awards, but striving to do better for other people, was a very inspiring speech for me. This reminded me that receiving awards on campus is not as important as making a positive impact on the people’s lives around me. Another great lesson from those speakers was from the alumni. Their messages all seemed to follow a general theme of building relationships with the PLCer’s around me. I made sure to follow that advice and have not only made exceptional friendships, but also will have these great leaders around me pushing me to succeed for the remainder of my college years. That is what I ultimately think PLC is all about. A bunch of leaders all pushing each other in a friendly competition to reach higher and do