
Convolution2d : Lab Analysis

Decent Essays

Convolution2D is the initial hidden convolutional layer. This layer has 32 feature maps, each with a rectifier activation function and the size of 5x5. It expects images with the format mentioned as above ([px][wd][ht]) and is the input layer. A pooling layer is defined which is configured with a pool size of 2x2 and takes the max. It is known as MaxPooling2D. After this layer, is a regularization layer which is added using drop out function referred as Dropout. It reduces overfitting as it randomly excludes 20% of neurons in the layer. Following this regularization layer, is the layer containing a vector known as Flatten. It enables the standard completely connected layers to process the output. This layer changes the 2D matrix data to …show more content…

An LSTM RNN is much more complex and robust neural network as Compared to an MLP. For the purpose of modeling time-series with LSTM, a standard time-series problem will be considered.[17] But before modeling the example, some basic concepts are discussed. The recurrent neural network overcomes the vanishing gradient problem and is trained over time using Backpropagation [11]. The Vanishing Gradient Problem is the challenge faced while training some ANN with gradient based methods, such as Back Propagation. This issue mainly makes learning and tuning the parameters of the previous layers of the network difficult. As before-mentioned, this model is applied to generate large recurrent networks that can be used to tackle complex sequence problems in ML and hence produce better results. Also, the LSTM networks have memory blocks instead of neurons, which are connected with each other through layers[35]. There are some components in these blocks, that make them sharper than the classical neuron and recent sequences memory. They contain gates that manage its state and output. Each gate in a block verifies if they are triggered or not using the sigmoid activation units and operating upon an input sequence. This results in flow of additional information via block and change of state conditional. Further, there are three types of gates within a unit which are: Forget gate, input gate, and the output gate. The first gate conditionally determines what data to dispose away of

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