
Core Values In Social Work

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Values Paper
My decision to become a social worker was no surprise to my family and friends. I have always loved to encourage, build up, and help people in times of need; regardless if it was shelter, food, or a friend to talk too. After reviewing the NASW Code of Ethics, it is simple to understand that my core values align with becoming and being a future professional social worker. As I ponder through the idea of how I accumulated my core values, it is quite simple to trace them back to the way I was raised by my parents.
The number one code listed by the NASW is service. Social workers are expected to take their knowledge and mold and adapt to their client’s situation. These professionals are mentors, providers, and in many cases, individuals last chances to get their life together. Their service is dependable and trustworthy, as they are supporting their clients by pointing them in the right direction. I like to believe I can adapt well to my surrounds, as well as others. My parents raised me to guide and understand while lending out a helping hand. Service is a major aspect of social work as it is my life. Volunteering at various organizations as a child has taught me that by just giving my time and kindness can make someone’s day, week, or even their year.
Social justice is what social workers are known for pursuing in their profession. It encircles a broad aspect of social issues ranging from socioeconomic issues, discrimination, and unemployment. As a social worker

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