
Examples Of Foils In Antigone

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According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “a person or thing that contrasts with and so emphasizes and enhances the qualities of another” is a foil. The play Antigone by Sophocles has a strong example of foils, consequently Antigone and Creon have differing motivations, making them foils of each other. Their interactions expose Creon’s tragic flaw of wanting power over love, making him a tragic hero and highlighting the theme of the play that staying loyal to family is more important than power. One of the many differences between Antigone and Creon is their motivations. Antigone’s motivations center around loyalty to family and religion. Because she believes that her loyalty to her family will keep the gods’ views on her clean, when speaking …show more content…

I’ll do my duty to my brother—and yours as well, if you’re not prepared to. I won’t be caught betraying him,”(pg 256 lines 56-58). Antigone’s motivation is to remain loyal to her family as well as ensure her brother’s peaceful rest in the afterlife, moreover, everything she bases her actions in this play has something to do with a higher power. Before Antigone receives her punishment, Creon questions her, asking if she knew she was breaking a law, and if so, why. She answers, “Yes. Zeus did not announce those laws to me. And Justice living with the gods below sent no such laws for men. I did not think anything which you proclaimed strong enough to let a mortal override the gods and their unwritten and unchanging laws. They’re not just for today or yesterday, but exist forever, and no one knows where they first appeared. So I did not mean to let a fear of any human will lead to my punishment among the gods,”(pgs 271-272 lines 508-518). Antigone does not care about what mortals think because the gods will determine her fate because death is only the beginning, in her eyes. She believes that if the gods wanted to punish her for her actions, they will, but she does not believe they will because she stayed loyal to their

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