The GAO received a call from Ms Jennifer Brennan (phone: 951-764 7092), who resides in Texas. She said that she had been trying to contact someone in your branch since last two weeks, but she has been unable to get in touch with anyone. This is case is related to Corey Fenton (Case # 807880). Can you or Chrystal please call Ms Brennan? I will appreciate if someone can let me know the outcome after contact has been made please.
Officers Gail A. Quade and Timothy J. Oddsen cases include releases of cops of the city of Milwaukee. For every situation, after investigation in the police central command, the two cops, Gail A. Quade, a female officer, and Timothy J. Oddsen, a male officer, admitted to sex, each with the other, on three different events. Taking after the session, Chief Harold Breier of the Milwaukee Police Department coordinated the release of each of the officers, and according to departmental policy which prohibited sexual relationship between offices, he recorded a protest with the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners putting forward the purposes behind the release. In his notification to the board, he particularly expressed that Gail Quade and Timothy
Mrs. Gueits provided her information to the Division of her current address to the Division and to her daughter Jasenya Gueits. The Division did not disclose her whereabouts to any other service provider her whereabouts in Florida.
A nursing assessment will be presented on Shelby Eatenton along with several interventions and an overall conclusion regarding this patient.
The GAO received a voicemail from Charles Delarue this morning. The GAO is aware that Mr. Delarue has had multiple contacts in both Clackamas and Multnomah county trying to access services, however I am reaching out to you as it appears he is in the Clackamas area. In his voicemail, he informed us that phone will be shut off tomorrow night, 11/24/17, as he does not have money to pay for his phone bill. Mr. Delarue, states that without his phone, and access to services he will die.
The worker contacted Susie Hansen; who stated she was a mentor and mother figure for Mindy Cottier. Mrs. Hansen stated she didn’t have any concerns for Mrs. Cotter’s family, but she knew why she was being contacted by DHS. Mrs. Cottier stated “Sam and Maddie were having a birthday party at my house and Samuel was having a meltdown, you see Samuel has Oppositional Defiance Disorder and takes medication to keep it in control so every no a then he has these meltdowns and it hard to get him back under control, anyway Sam was having an episode at his party and Chris Mindy’s husband and Sam’s step dad was telling him to stand in the corner until he calms down. Sam refused and was yelling and thrashing around on the hard tile floor in front of the
Returned call to Ms Deborah Turner. She wanted to complain about a CW worker that did not allowed see her great-niece Astasia (2years old) and great-nephew, Odion (4 years old).
On November 28, 2008 our office received a phone call from a distraught woman, her name was Karla Girroir. She stated her husband was in a
As a final point, if I have any questions I will contact Public Information Officer Alexandria Corneiro, either at her office at (925) 557-2882 or cell (925)918-1690. In addition, her email is I can also contact Special Agent Whitney Hameth at (510)876-6976 or email her at
She reported having a normal delivery, full term with no complications; developed normally. Major events: none. Nutrition history: fair. Social history: Currently lives with 2 children in her mother’s house, separated with ex-husband, who is in jail and plans to get a divorce.
On 12/27/16 I confirmed that Ms. Messing was still at Henry Ford Hospital. I spoke with daughter Gail, and case manager at the hospital. Ms. Messing has about 750ml of fluid drained from her lung, over the weekend she developed pneumonia and was started on antibiotics. She also became very confused. Since that time the confusion has subsided. Decision was made for her to transfer to a sub acute rehab center. First choice was St. Joseph Mercy second choice is Courtney Manor in Bad Axe. The process is underway and Henry Ford is waiting for a response on who will take her as a patient.
To enable me to use this situation for my reflection the patient will be referred to as "Kate". This is in order that her real name is protected and that confidentially maintained in line with the NMC (2002) Code of Professional Conduct.
kris was referred to me by her doctor due to her stress disorder trying to
Ms. Buck still chose not to respond. Her NCTOPPS is due today so I have requested that
This can be removed from Sara’s medical concerns. Please advise if there is anything you require from me or if you would like us to complete revised forms.