
Cornerstone Class Reflection

Decent Essays

As I walked into the first Cornerstone class of the semester on August 20, 2015, I believed it was going to be a breeze. I asked myself “What could I possibly obtain from this?”, and truthfully I assumed the answer would be, slim to none. However, my expectations could not have been any further from the reality. During the Cornerstone course, I was able to attain certain assets that I did not already possess. Out of the many topics and ideas discussed throughout the course, the three most influential have been: True Colors the Go, Picture, Scribe and Dr. Tawils’ speeches about life. True colors, a personality test, was an experience I can truly say changed my perception of others. Gold, Blue, Green, or Orange? Which one are you? While taking …show more content…

While many of my peers stressed and sighed over having to complete this assignment, I looked forward to it. During this activity, I was able to experience first hand how diverse our campus is, I was able to tour the college, and most importantly, this activity required me to step out of my comfort zone and further strengthen my ability to interact with others. I took advantage of the resources available and participated in all of the workshops, events, and presentations I had the opportunity to. In brief, all events I attended were beneficial, yet by far, my favorite, and the most memorable, was Cookies and Current Events. Attending this event allowed me to have a better look at what is happening in the world around me. It allowed me to see different issues and events, issues many, including myself, due to busy lifestyle and hectic schedule, didn’t even realize are occurring. Completing my G.P.S requirement enabled me to become a more diverse person, it was influential to the utmost extent. I truly enjoyed attending the events and being able to experience everything Florida SouthWestern State College has to …show more content…

From, finding out my True Color and finishing my G.P.S to actively listening and learning from the influential advice from Dr. Tawil, this was an unforgettable learning experience. I am truly appreciative of all the provided opportunities to become a more diverse person and further get involved in the plethora of activities available on campus. I now look forward to enabling the skills I have acquired and strengthening them as I keep using them as life

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