
Correcting Misconceptions And Providing Education

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Correcting Misconceptions and Providing Education: A Nurses Responsibility Regarding Childhood Vaccinations
Megan Pace
Broward College

Correcting Misconceptions and Providing Education: A Nurses Responsibility Regarding Childhood Vaccinations Childhood vaccinations have become a hot topic among parents and healthcare providers. The safety of vaccinations, the risks involved, and their overall effectiveness has been researched, discussed, and more or less “poked and prodded” over the years. Although we may never reach a consensus regarding childhood vaccinations, it is imperative that nurses understand the responsibilities that surround this controversial topic. This subject was selected due to the immense impact that vaccinations have on public safety. The transmission of infectious disease is at the forefront of scientific research and nurses play a key role. As healthcare providers, nurses not only administer the vaccines, but are responsible for documentation, education, and advocating for the well being of the patient. For this paper, I will use my own personal beliefs to support the importance of vaccines and to describe the nurse’s role in advocating for childhood immunizations. “Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine” (World Health Organization, 2015, para. 1). Today vaccines come in all shapes and sizes, including attenuated and

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