
Corrective Essay: Vacuous Google Drive

Satisfactory Essays

Dear mr.Hennessey the reason i was on such a vacuous google drive document was because of my childlike friend.Not to name names but brandon trejo.He said and i quote “hey david go to google drive” and me being me i had to be a dummy and open up the google drive folder. …show more content…

I mean how could i not i was all finished with my work and it was just there distracting me,literally it was just sitting there calling my name like david, david open me in a whisper tone.And oh my god don’t even get me started on brandon trejo oh my lord, that fool is just a distraction (saying while i shake my head).Not just a normal distraction but a best friend that is a distraction.It’s like me and him go way back to third grade ps:that’s when brandon was a loser,just kidding.But no foreal i know that it might sound like it was his fault but that’s because it was!If it was not for him showing me the google document i would not have gotten in trouble and now the five hundred word essay is going to sound repetitive because i’ll keep mentioning brandon and how it is his fault.I guess what i am trying to get to is that next time i should just ignore brandon because he is just going to get me into more trouble than i am going to get myself into.And mr.Hennessey i know that you know how much of a hooligan brandon is, and if you don’t think brandon is a hooligan why are you lying to yourself.I wish brandon was not in my class because all he is a distraction even though he might be doing better than me in your class.Every school year i always look forward to my classes unless brandon is in that class even though me and him are friends i just don't want him in my class.The reason i don't want brandon in my classes because i already know that i am going to get into trouble because

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