
Correlation Between Lack Of Student Responsibility And Abseentism Within The Higher Education System

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In the Dea(r)th of Student Responsibility, written by Holley Hassel and Jessica Lourey, they examine the relationship between student abseentism, grade inflation and the lack of responsibility they see in students. Hassel and Lourey surveyed six hundred and sixty-six students at Alexandria Technical College in west central Minnesota and Five hundred and twenty-nine students at the University of Wisconsin (3). They asked the students a series of questions regarding grades, the responsibilities of a student and professor and how students rank their personal responsibility. Pupils who actively seek information, attend class and participate in class discussions are those who are seeking an education rather than a degree (23). In this article, Hassel and Lourey explore the correlation between the lack of student responsibility and abseentism within the higher education system.
By attending and active participating in class, students will be more successful in earning an education rather than a degree. Students who are accountable for their course- work will be more fortunate than those who wait for someone to remind them of the due date when it’s clearly printed in the syllabus. Students are required by the university to be given a syllabus for each class on the first day of the new semster. Each student is responsible for referring back to the syllabus important dates relevant to the course. Some professors are flexible with their syllabus, but others are strict syllabus

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