
Corrie Short Story

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It is January 1937, in Haarlem, Holland, Corrie Ten Boom wakes up very excited hoping that it was not foggy outside, but hoping that it would be sunny and have bright weather outside.Corrie was also excited because it was the centennial of the watch shop that her family runs. Throughout the day the shop was being filled with flowers and customers. Corrie speaks about her life as a six year old in 1898 starting school. Corrie was living with her older sister Bestie. Bestie has talked to Corrie about dressing properly and respecting authority. At this time her parents still had the watch shop, but they were making little money. Corrie didn’t want to go to school, but her father made her. When Corrie gets older her older brother Willem goes to college. Corrie has fallen in love with one of Willems friends Karel. Corrie and Karel were dating for a while, then Karel brought another girl to Corrie. Corrie believes that if God wanted that relationship to work God would have let it. Corries Aunt, Aunt Jane goes to the doctors and finds out she has diabetes. Once Corries aunt was diagnosed with diabetes, she was given four weeks to live. Corrie was graduating in the spring so that means she has more house chores to accomplish. Corries mother suffers with strokes but can no longer receive medicine. World War 1 is coming to an end and Corries mother has another stroke and then goes into a coma for two months. Corrie and her family pray, hoping that she will awake from the coma. When

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