
Corruption And Corruption Of India

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India the second most populated country in the world, is badly affected by corruption. This paper analyses the serious problem of the corruption, how did it evolve, areas affected by corruption, causes of corruption and how to combat corruption. Corruption is one of the largest element to be found in most parts of the India. No individual can be free from it, there is no area which is free of corruption. It emphasizes that lack of transparency, morality, accountability and consistency as well as institutional weakness provide a fertile ground for the growth of corruption in India. It also emphasizes that how corruption is related to development issues in India.It is one of the biggest threat that India is facing. It is essential to take …show more content…

Both the parties in the exchange of power for privileges want their transaction to be a secret, which makes it difficult to establish how widely and deeply corruption has penetrated into our economy and social life. Below listed are some of the characteristics.
a) Recipients and payers.
b) Extortion.
c) Lubricant of society.
d) An ethical problem.
e) Poverty reduction.
Recipients and payers
Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power and elected authority for private profit. Complaints are often heard about politicians and public officials who accept bribes and enrich themselves privately at the expense of the common citizen. This may be at the expense of the employee or the employer, consumer and the producer, the renter and the tenant, the one applying for a permit or asking exemption from an obligation to pay or to deliver a product or service. All the cases might be considered to be abuse of power authority for one’s own benefit.
Most of them go a step further. They not only blame the politicians but also the public officials for willingly accepting the bribes. They often allege that those having authority in the society ask to be bribed or give an opportunity to bribe. There is no escaping from it, if one refuses to pay, you are bound to fall behind.
Lubricant of Society
Many believe that paying bribe is required to ensure smoother operation of the society. They think that without an occasional gift, entering into a contract

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