
Cortisol Concentration Saliva

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Assessment of cortisol concentration saliva as alternative to blood has been validated and several species. Salvia collection is noninvasive and more convenient then blood or urine. Another important point is that the direct measurement of the free biologically active fraction of glucocotrcoid hormones is possible without further laboratory work therefore concentrations are less affected corticosteroid proteins and plasma values. Activation of the HPA access is affected by a variety of factors. Stressors may last for short or long periods. Nevertheless some of the disadvantages of saliva collection such as contamination with plasma proteins conversion of the saliva glands a Free cortisol Cortizone see article Page 429 In greater variation of saliva …show more content…

But sampling is not only labor-intensive and expensive sampling method that is sometimes a counterproductive method and stress research is a procedure can be stressful itself. The benefits of saliva that is noninvasive and provide stability to obtain samples and short intervals from subjects without raising ethical problems. Because cortisol is small and highly lipid soluble molecule unbound hormone 10 pass easily through the lipid by later membranes of nucleated cells. This allows free cortisol to appear in all bodily fluids including blood spinal fluid gear and sweat semen and saliva. Could result on the carriers is usually excluded from these bodily compartments. Correlations between salivary and unbound blood cortisol levels usually explain more than 80% of the total variance observed. This higher agreement is due to the fact that cortisol enters the south end of the oral cavity mainly by passive diffusion. It therefore independent of transportation mechanisms and saliva flow rate which is in contrast to other components also found in saliva. Just like in blood Saldanha cortisol levels follow us are Katie and rhythm that has been studied only in awake

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