Why are animals used for testing cosmetic and is it need? animals suffer every day because many products that people buy are tested on them. "approximately 100,000-200,000 animals suffer and die just for cosmetics every year around the world. These are rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats and mice. ("About Cosmetics Animal Testing." ) To begin, the process the animal go throughout are extremely cruel. animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats and mice go through extensive pain. some of the effects of the testing are "blindness, swollen eyes, sore bleeding skin, internal bleeding and organ damage, birth defects, convulsions and death. Pain relief is not provided and at the end of a test the animals are killed, normally by asphyxiation, …show more content…
although " reason animal testing may take place is that a company may be testing new chemical compounds, or testing compounds on a sensitive population such as children or the elderly, to determine whether the substances will cause an allergic reaction if applied to skin, or whether they cause irritation or corrosion of the skin or eyes. also other reasons for animal testing is for companies wanting to sale oversea with places like china where again it is mandatory to have your product tested on animals("Animals Used in Cosmetics …show more content…
However companies should be forced to follow these policies. Even though the companies say they are cruelty free that is not all true. (Bender, Michele,) the companies should take responsibility and be honest with customer . there are alternatives there are "more than 40 non-animal tests have been validated for use, and these modern alternatives can offer results that are more relevant to people, often more cheaply and quickly, too." the technology today we could get rid of animal testing. many animals test are not efficient.("About Cosmetics Animal Testing." Human Society, ) You can make the decision to buy from or not with help from sites like NAVS with a A continuously-updated listing of these products can be found in (NAVS’ Cruelty-Free Product Guide.) animal testing needs to come to an end with cosmetics. cosmetics can be tested many other ways. Buy from companies where they are cruelty free make the step to a better
Cosmetic companies should not test on animals for their products, because its inhumane, wrong to do to living things, an they should not even have to do this to animals if their products are naturally and chemical-free. Around “100 million innocent animals are burned, crippled, and poisoned in U.S labs everyday,” for cosmetic companies (11 Facts). Animals should not be treated wrongly because they are innocent creatures that have no say or rights when it comes to testing. Consumers will start to leave and go away if they found out multiple types of animals were being tested on cruelly in labs. Companies should not even use chemicals in their products in the first place, if their products are good for our skin and us. Cosmetic companies should not test on animals for their products because animals should not be treated wrongly, consumers may start acting negatively towards companies, and chemicals are not even necessary in these products.
If you don’t know much about this issue you may assume it’s only a few products that participate in animal testing but in fact it is most of the products on the Walmart and Target shelves that you shop for. These are huge monopolized brands that are using animal testing for no other reason than because it’s the “default method” to test for safety (“About Animal Testing”, n.d.). There are three commonly used methods
Everyday cosmetic products that many people use, such as lipsticks, shampoo, face wash, etcetera, are verified to be safe using animal testing. Chemical burns and other short term ailments are very serious concerns that plague Americans and the knowledge that the products they use will not harm them and their families is possible because of animal testing. Also long term effects, such as cancer, have been discovered through animal product testing and promptly stopped saving countless lives. “NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS YOU’RE THE GUINEA PIG” (Source C). Living day to day with the risk that the products trusted to use on your children and yourself is enough to validate
A rabbit lives its life trapped in a laboratory. It doesn’t get fresh air and has different products tested on it every day. The product can make the rabbit go blind or cause its skin to burn, but there is nothing the rabbit can do about it. This is what happens to animals every day from cosmetic companies who test their products on animals. According to Cruelty Free Kitty (2017), over 30 cosmetic companies continue to use animal testing to improve their products. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2017), “the agency has consistently advised cosmetic manufactures to employ whatever testing is appropriate and effective for substantiating the safety of their products.” This means that if the company believes animal testing is the best option for their product they are allowed to do it. Testing cosmetics on animals is cruel and inhumane, and people should avoid using products that test on animals.
Animal testing is still done by cosmetic companies even though it is unethical and scientifically inaccurate. The various tests carried out on animals is not a guarantee for using cosmetics on our skin since animals react differently to certain chemicals as compared to humans. Cosmetics companies kill millions of animals every year in pursuit of profit. The animals that suffer and die in these laboratories range from rabbits to mice. According to companies that perform such tests, they are done to establish the safety of products and ingredients. However, no law requires that cosmetics products be tested on animals. The Food and Drug
While some have heard stories of animal testing, many are oblivious to how harsh the effects of the testing are. Ensuring the safety of makeup and other beauty products is definitely important, but the tests used today are inhumane and ineffective, but it is in the hands of the beauty industry to make the changes necessary to end it. Cosmetic companies should refrain from testing on animals because the tests are no longer necessary and they inflict unneeded pain on animals.
At this moment, thousands and thousands of animals such as cats, dogs, monkeys, rabbits, guinea pigs and mice are being tortured, and are dying for the makeup you wear, or skin products you use. Due to cosmetic testing, these animals live a terrifying and painful life. Is it necessary for animals to die for cosmetics? The definition of animal testing is, forcing chemicals down the throats of animals, dripping toxics into the eyes or shaving the animal and pouring chemicals onto the skin. This torturous practice typically lasts from days to weeks to determine the presence of skin and eye irritation or other specific health issues. So, is it more beneficial to humans when a product is animal tested or is it more it more favourable to be cruelty-free?
One of the most important questions to ask about using helpless animals to test products is: why do we do this? Usually, animals are involved in research when there is a need to find out what happens in the whole, living body, which is far more complex than the sum of its parts. Animal testing started in “1938 when Congress passed the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in response to public outcry after several tragic incidents involving untested products occurred due to drugs and cosmetics containing
Dalai Lama once said, ”Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do other creatures.” Every year, animals experience pain and die in perilous tests to obtain higher quality and resolve the safety of cosmetics. Animal testing for cosmetics should be restricted because it is very dangerous to animals, it is traumatizing, and unnecessary.
Throughout history, animal testing has played a huge and important role in cosmetic as well as medical advancement around the world, which for the most part is fairly significant. This advancement coming on the backs of millions upon millions of animals, a necessary evil? This question is hugely speculated throughout the scientific community. Animal testing has been around for a pretty long time, whether it is medically, or it is cosmetically, in recent years, though the question has been raised about whether there is still a need for animal testing in cosmetics a question that has been proposed and fiercely debated by scientists of your caliber as well as everyday individuals who see this as a huge problem. With the amazing advancements being
Successful brands such as Jeffree Star cosmetics are strictly animal testing free and extremely vegan which results his brand to be the most successful in the industry. There are many makeup brands that do support animal testing. Animal testing should not be allowed because many animals are taken advantage of.
There are only specific things that are required by law to test on animals and cosmetics are not one of them. To be in fact, “Products that are not required by law to be tested include household items, cosmetics, and personal care products.“ (Rollins 2). So, if the law is not requiring companies to do something, there is no point at all to do it. In addition to it not being required by law, all the companies are really doing is making it 10 times more difficult for animal rights supports. Now not only do these supports have to fight against the scientist who test on animals for medicine, but now the animal right supporters also have to protest against animal testing for cosmetics that do not need to be tested. “Those who support animal rights and/or animal welfare, including members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), and the National Anti-Vivisection Society, are responsible for helping to raise awareness of animal suffering and unnecessary animal testing” (PETA). Overall, testing on animals for cosmetics is just a pointless idea because cosmetic companies are not required to test on animals, so in the end all companies are doing is just making it more challenging for the people that
While many countries have eliminated the need or completely banned the use of animal testing in personal cosmetics, the US has no ban on testing and companies have the discretion of testing on animals or not. One basic solution we can all pledge, is to be more aware of the products we decide to purchase.
For every ingredient put into a product an animal goes though testing for it pain relief is rarely provided and the animals used are always killed at the end of each test (Humane Society.Org). Some makeup brands that continue to test on animals are MAC, Dior, and Tom Ford just to name a few the list goes on (Companies That Test on Animals). It does not stop at makeup other everyday used things test on animals such as, hair products, skin care, and soap. People have to take a moment and think about how much an animal suffered just to make their cheeks blush. On top of the cruelty, up to 90% of animals used in U.S. labs are not counted in the official statistics of animals tested (Do Something.Org). Exact numbers are not available because mice, rats, birds, and cold-blooded animals—who make up more than 99 percent of animals used in experiments—are not covered by even the minimal protections of the Animal Welfare Act and therefore go uncounted (Peta.Org). Accounting for the real number of animals including those not covered by the Animal Welfare Act would cause those numbers to look outrageously high. There should be supervised labs to ensure that the animals are not getting treated worse than they already are. Supervised labs would secure the animals are being cared for properly and are as comfortable as they can be while they are being tested on. The lab tests have long term damage some animals to develop neurotic types of behavior such as incessantly spinning in
While certain animals are tested for medical reasons, some are used to test cosmetics. Cosmetic products include makeup items, perfumes, hair products, makeup brushes, lotions, soaps, etc.. “Alternatives to Animal Testing” states “Regulatory agencies require testing of consumer products, medicines, and industrial and agricultural chemicals to identify potential health and safety hazards”, meaning that testing of some kind is required before cosmetics can be sold. If makeup was not tested, it could be sold to millions of people and possibly cause harm. The damage caused by untested cosmetics could result in companies losing an incredible amount of money, and lessening said companies’ reliability. Animals seem to be an easy and accessible way to test