
Courage : Characters And Characteristics Of Courage

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Traits of the Courageous
People possess numerous, exciting attributes, but compared to courage, any other trait is lacking in quality because of the risk and bravery it takes one to be courageous. The most prevalent hamartia most people have is fear - whether it be fear of the unknown, fear of overcoming obstacles, or materialistic, debilitating fear that leaves people feeling helpless. If we are braver, we can overcome these fears to become happier. To me, courage is also about how quickly you can bounce back after going through a rough time. Another prevalent, underappreciated matter is the act of helping other people. All of these ideas are embodied in Beowulf which elucidates the importance of the Heroic Code that consists of courage, loyalty, and reputation. Based on my experience growing up, courage is the most unsurpassed quality to possess because of the stories and personalities of people that have changed the way I think and act. Courage is the most important trait to possess compared to loyalty and reputation because of its qualities such as overcoming fears, not letting pain set you back, and the ability to help other people.
No matter how small the fear is, one must surpass it to achieve happiness. In the movie Paper Towns, Margo and Quentin are best friends and neighbors at a young age until they split apart and become popular, in Margo’s case, or dedicated to attending Duke and focusing on school for Quentin. They both reach their senior year of

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