
Cradle Cap Research Paper

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Headline: How To Deal With Cradle Cap
Cradle cap (infantile seborrheic dermatitis), Dec 11, 2016 How to Deal With Cradle Cap, Dec 11, 2016 7 natural cradle cap treatments, Dec 11, 2016 Written by: Hai Anh Nguyen Ngoc
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Opening: For the first few months of some baby’s life, it is very common for cradle cap to appear. It is not cute, but cradle cap is harmless. However, cradle cap should be treated since it can cause some irritation for your baby. The article …show more content…

Nevertheless, we do know that cradle cap is not cause by poor hygiene or allergies.
Some experts suspect that the hormones which the infant receives from his mother at the end of pregnancy are what stimulate the baby’s overproduction of oil (seborrheic), thus, creating cradle cap. Another factor that can bring about cradle cap is the growth of a yeast in the sebum (the substance produced by the glands).
Contradict to what people think, cradle cap is not contagious. And it would do your baby no harm if you can control and cure it. However, if cradle cap gets severe, it can cause itchiness in your …show more content…

- Gently massage your baby’s areas of cradle cap with your fingers or a soft brush to loosen the scales.
- Shampoo more frequently (up to once a day).
- You can also use shampoos which are specialized in curing cradle cap.
Can natural oils treat my baby's cradle cap?
- You can use olive oil, or almond oil to treat your baby’s cradle cap by pouring an adequate amount of them in your hands, massage your baby’s scalp and then leave it on for approximately 15 minutes.
- Soft brushes or fine-tooth comb can also be used to treat cradle cap by gently combing out the flakes.
- Remember to wash your baby’s scalp gently, but thoroughly to avoid the excess oil being left on your baby’s head, which can result in the pores being clogged and the flakes trapped in.
Closing: Cradle cap is indeed can be treated with a few natural and homemade remedies, or you can buy one at the supermarket. Nevertheless, if your baby has any symptoms of the cradle cap going worse, do not hesitate to contact your doctor, pediatrician or health care provider for further information, guidance and treatment.
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