
Crash Course Analysis

Decent Essays

In the crash course videos we watched this week I learned that Cognition is “our thoughts, perspectives, and expectations”. I also learned in crash course fifteen that Knowing, Remembering, understanding, communicating, learning are all processes we go through on a daily basis. Concept means the “mental grouping of similar objects, people, ideas, or events”, this is also known as our understanding of things. Another thing we discussed was that our cognition works to our benefit through our ability to solve problems. Before these videos I also had no idea what Algorithm-“ logical, methodical, step-by-step procedure that eventually guarantees a solution, but may be slow to work through”, and Heuristic-“ simple strategy that allows us to solve …show more content…

Crash course eighteen talked about developmental psychology meaning “the study of our physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes throughout our whole lives – from prenatal to preteen to post retirement. I also learned that both our genetics and our environment begin to affect our development long before we are even born, and they continue to influence our learning until the day we …show more content…

Now going on to the discovering psychology videos, I learned that in the thirties and forties behaviorism was the most important area of psychology and psychologist actually believed that it was only important to pay attention to actions and behaviors. You could measure actions and behaviors, they also made no distinction between animal behaviors and infant behaviors, and those behaviors of mature adults. Next I learned that traditionally social scientist identify two reasons why people lax into irrationality. One of which being that you can be influenced by a crowd, as part of the crowd the individual can no longer think for themselves, so they say. Then in the next video we learned about psychologist Alfred Binet, Binet believed that his test scores were only a practical estimate of current performance. He believed that test results should only be used to identify the areas the kids need help in. in the last few videos is talks about how social reaction plays huge part of the development of language. Throughout these videos I learned a lot, the part I found most interesting was the how attentiveness can affect a child’s development and social interaction for the future. This is definitely something I will consider in the future, after all, I will be working with younger

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