I’ve learned a lot of useful tips from this semester in ENG 201. English has never been my strong suit nor has it been my favorite class. However this college course has changed my point of view of the subject. Prior coming into college I viewed English as a useless class because I’ve already knew the basics: how to talk, read and write essays. Today I view English as an important class. It helped me in other courses that involved writing, such as World Civilization and Communications, because it allowed me to practice my skills. In my world civilization exams I had to write essays. This course helped me write an impactful essay. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that almost all of my exam scores were in the 90s, usually I do poorly in the
In English 1102 students will learn many different techniques throughout the course to understand and compose an analysis on an array of topics. After the course is over it is up to the students to apply what they have learned to everyday life. Many students throughout this course have questioned why they have to learn this material and that it will not even help them in the real world, but they are wrong. Each and everyday people should look at the deeper meaning and analyze situations very carefully or else one may find themselves being deceived. Being able to analyze is a very important skill no matter what career choice you choose. In this course the material assigned also had many life lessons in them. A great example of a reading assignment
Numerous of students from different states and portions of Georgia, and even around the world, has come to Georgia Southern University to intellectually grow and mature as an individual. I chose the FYE 1410: Global Health Nursing class to extended and further my knowledge about health around the globe. By the end of this course, I expect to learn various health related facts and achieve my learning goals as a student.
Three goals that I have accomplish while being in ENGWR50. Being able to analyze assignments, and being able to address them. I have learned these lessons with the reading "Fixed Vs Growth Mindsets" and the FWA1 and FWA2. The workshops has also help me to understand how to revise an essay as well as understanding how to distinguish between facts in opinions. reading the articles " True Grit" and, " 100% Is Over Rated", writting the summaries on these articles has taught me how to analyze reading while being able to create strategies for addressing them. this class has help me to become a better writer. it has prepared me for ENGWR101 now I know what is expected of me when writing a college paper. This course will follow me to my next class
The leadership project in course EL-7235, Workforce and Economic Development consisted of identifying a problem, trend, issue or innovation related to the workforce and economic development that affects community colleges. The problem, trend, issue or innovation was to be discussed in detailed, connecting to theory, policy and or practice used in the community college setting to address the selected topic. In addition, conducting a comprehensive review of literature concerning the topic and enhancing the review of literature with field research at a community college were included. Moreover, a presentation of the problem, trend, issue, or innovation research combined with the theory, policy, or findings on how research dealt
In the wake of assessing the course in my degree plan, I realized that there are a variety of courses that will bolster me towards my degree goal. After assessing the course, 5 specifically got my attention and now I am more eager to learn more about these topics. I feel the courses below will contribute significantly in my Career. In total there are 180 credit needs for my degree in health science.
During this semester, the realization of my past was that I have often skimmed through parts of the writing process to get the job done. Not being an avid reader often hindered my writing abilities. This class most definitely made me realize that the entire writing process is important and having peer reviews also helped significantly and certainly made a difference in the result of my work. Taking the time to read, brainstorm my thoughts, write an outline, rough draft after rough draft, reading constructive criticism of others helped in the revisions of my papers’ reaching the best possible outcome. When selecting English 102, I knew I would be challenged, but to what extent I was unsure. If like past English courses that were taken learning to write essays would be the goal. Once realizing that my work would be shared with others, providing informed information
EDSE 657 is very important and valuable course. Through the course, I learn many important topics such as helping uncommunicative children, teaching multicultural books, learning about the development of the brain and how to promote early literacy in the classroom.
The reason I’m taking English 100 is to get myself into English 101. I didn’t score high in the placement test so I started from English 98, and now I’m in English 100. So baby steps I was never really good in English or writing essays I always had a huge struggle with it. Trying to make my paragraphs flow but I know I’ve gotten much better since I’ve started from the bottom and little by little making my way up. I prefer not to take English but its mandatory to take to get my Associates Degree. My expectations in this class is to not struggle writing essays being confident knowing I can pass this class with a B average. I want to be able to learn to correct my own paper, and not having so many errors. My weakness in English is having
This semester in ENG 101 I went in with a better perspective and view of what the class would be like versus last semester when I hated that I had to enroll in ENG 100E. I knew that it would be similar to ENG 100E but with more emphasis on writing and actually putting to use everything that we learned last semester. Although my ACT score was the reason that I was in ENG 100E last semester I am really thankful that I had to take that class, because it actually helped me this semester with ENG 101. This semester I was more involved and actually participated versus last year where I rarely opened up to answer any questions in class. I as well feel as if taking 100E has helped me this semester to become a better writer with adding more description to my essays to make the reader actually visualize what they are reading or have read. Even though I still may not be the best writer I am able to see for myself that I am no longer that inexperienced writer who’s blinded by their writing errors. I am able to take advice from others for my writing without being offended my mistakes, and I know that they are just trying to help me in the long run.
In the beginning, I felt as this English course was just another typical course with the purpose of allowing students to write more essays without the use of creativity and acuity. However, as I ventured deep into the course, I found my original opinion to be biased. Throughout my spiritual journey in ENGL 1304, I not only learned many concepts and new ideas along the way, but I was also able to connect with all my readings. From researching my online sources to constructing a coherent argument, I grasp the process of communicating my voice for each assignment through careful observation and visualization. As a result, I was able to write my essays in a more personal manner. It also led me to stray away from the concept of “just writing anything
English classes are very important if you want to pursuit your academic goal, and there are a lot of things that I learned about academic writing in this semester. At first, I thought that it was going to be easy as long as I kept doing my brief assignments on time and showing up in classes. However, I was wrong, English is hard, especially if you are an international student because the methods of writing an essay are different. Though, I decided to take English 1301 because I wanted to be able to write something that would make it easier for a reader to understand, and of course to make me get good grades in other classes assignments. Also, because I didn’t know the difference between writing a rhetorical analysis essay and writing a normal
Throughout this course, we have been asked "What is humanities"? Humanities is the study of human beings by culture, the arts including theater, dance, and music. Within the humanities there are different eras that are represented such as the information age. The Information Age is a time period in our history where the traditional industry shifted to the Industrial Revolution. The Information Age is a great example of how progressively advanced a country can be in with-in a time period. This advancement in the Information Age has a discrepancy; such as the commencement of technology and the definition of digital, new methods of interaction between different people and devices. The physical component of the Information Age is a very important
Over the course of this semester I learned a lot about myself as a writer. This English 101 class has really allowed me to expand my essay structure and ways of thinking. This was my first college writing course and it has given me much more freedom when writing because in high school I felt limited and like what we were writing was not very important. In high school I would write essays to just to fulfill the required word or page count and to a degree I still feel like this but maybe that is why I am an engineering major but in this course I actually was able to express my ideas and for the first time really test the limits of my writing capabilities. I really enjoyed being able to incorporate my voice more in my essays and I believe
To me, the opening section is what stood out when first reading the syllabus. Before coming to college attending students usually, will tell you how difficult classes are and how professors don’t care about your problems or what you're dealing with personally. They’ll say something like the professor comes into the classroom takes homework, lectures, gives test and grades. However, after I read just the opening section of the syllabus I could tell that this course would be of a course I’ve never taken before.
Throughout this semester in English 101, I have made a significant improvement on multiple things, including how to be an exceptional writer and thinker. English has always been one of my most favored subjects to study because to me it instructs students how to be intelligent, how to become a more creative and critical thinker, and be able to develop ethical values and imagination. You can express yourself more efficiently in English than you can in any other subject. This class has truly made me a more confident writer and helped me express myself in different ways through the different types of papers I wrote. By writing different types of papers I have improved multiple areas of my writing. I have grown as a student in diverse areas such