
Creasy's Sacrifice

Decent Essays

In the novel “Man On Fire” Creasy sacrifices various things for his loved ones. Creasy, an ex-war veteran soon finds himself back with a gun in his hands making sacrifices similar to how he did in the war. Creasy sacrifices various things such as his body, his mental state and even his life. In the novel “Man On Fire” the author A.J. Quinnell asserts that sacrifice is necessary for love.

Creasy goes through a lot of challenges in the book one of them being the toll his body is taking. My first example of how he sacrifices his body is when Pinta first gets kidnapped and Creasy goes to Cypress to get fit in order to find her. “How Creasy had come here merely to get fit” (Quinnell, Pg. 157). In this quote Guido says this to the owner of the training camp in Cypress. …show more content…

After Pinta got kidnapped Creasy would have dreams about the night that she was kidnapped and everything that happened. “And the final day. The kidnapping, and her shouting out his name as he lay on the grass” (Quinnell, pg.199). It is easy to tell how much of a toll this has taken on Creasy because it is all that he thinks about, it’s the only thing on his mind. You can tell that he really cares about and loves her. When Creasy is talking to his girlfriend about getting revenge those who kidnapped Pinta he makes a very broad statement. “I will do it, I will kill them all” (Quinnell, pg.200). At this point everyone us questioning Creasy’s sanity this instance of Pinta being kidnapped is really starting to change Creasy for the worse. At the end of the book when Creasy has his chance to kill Conteralla he says some very scary words to him. “Liker her, Conteralla. Like her, you will choke to death” (Quinnell, pg.309). At this point Creasy’s mental state is completely tarnished. He has taken so many lives that he now has the mind of a killer. So with the three instances previously shown it is evident that Creasy sacrificed his mental state for

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