
Create A Society Essay

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Life On Planet Fuji

My name is Christi. I was born February 17, 1999. And I know I have been separated from my immediate family and selected to begin a new society on planet Fuji. I, along with four other children, was chosen to develop our new society into something livable. Our goal is a peaceful cohesive environment. I realize the opportunity I have to continue humanity is greater than mourning any losses; however, I will never forget the life I left behind. I have already shed many emotional tears for the loss of my mother, father and siblings. The memories I have will no doubt guide me into the future.

My directive, along with four others, is to develop a social system and incorporate all the colonists into this new society. I’ve …show more content…

All violators will be punishable by serving these terms in prison. In turn they will serve as waste management personnel for our society here on Fuji.


Our next goal is to develop a means of commerce for the exchange of goods and services. In order for the society to prosper and grow it is imperative that all colonists are assigned a trade or craft that best suits them. They in turn will become proficient at producing the product or service and selling to all of society. Legislation will restrict pricing to a moderate amount for affordability to all households. No doubt competition will also provide for pricing control.

A social services branch of society will develop a means for caring for the injured or ill who are temporarily or no longer able to produce or provide a service for the society. This social services branch will have controls in place to assess the validity of any claims presented against working and be able to act on false claims. Additionally, this branch will create a task force to investigate each claim owner to assess characteristics for other work in which to subsidize their living.

An agricultural branch will be assigned the task of developing a process for cultivating vegetation and mass producing for society’s food consumption. This branch will also maintain restrictions on hunting in order to preserve the different species present on Fuji. Additionally, all meats found to be of good nutritional content will be

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