
Creating Artificial Intelligence And Robots Essay

Satisfactory Essays

From plays, to books, and even in movies people have had the imagination and dream to one day have robots existing among the humans. So far people have been living with technology and machines that help with everyday life. The thought of androids or artificial intelligence is always in question of whether or not it’s an ideal choice to make. The idea cannot be backed down since there has been some developments of self-driven cars and there have been androids created such as Erica (Bloomberg, 2016). As the world develops, so does the moral problem to creating artificial intelligence and robots. As to having such intelligent robots, the idea is mostly targeted towards Japan with the idea of going farther than life itself (Bloomberg, 2016). Creating these robots can be pricey for these companies and patents and trademarks for the designs and creations of these robots are important to have. There are some ethical duties within these companies, but not all of them apply to the moral situation. Although the idea of robots seem to be a fresh idea, it’s relativity an old thought from the past. The idea of robotic creations can date back into Greek mythology (Lafferty, 2010). A sample of such an idea is what the Greek god Hephaestus, the god of fire and forgery, had created. Hephaestus created “robots out of gold which were ‘his helpers, including a complete set of life-size golden handmaidens who helped around the house’” (Lafferty, 2010, p.2). The actual word “robot” didn’t

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