
Creation Myth China Essay

Decent Essays

Creation Myth: China
Chinese culture, although not alone, was based on ancient traditions such as storytelling. Through this they told myths in order to understand current phenomenon and one that was told frequently was the creation myth of Pan Gu and Nu Wa. Due to all the generations it was passed down some of the curtain aspects of the myth has changed.
At the start of time there was an egg shape cloud cradling inside was the universe in a chaotic state and deep in the unease growing off of the anarchy inside was a giant named Pan Gu. He slept for eighteen thousand years before he stretched, upon his awaking, shattering the egg thus releasing the cosmos. After the explosion elements of the pure verity bobbled up forming the heavens while …show more content…

While some myths will state Pan had assistance from either one of or a combination of a turtle, phoenix, an eastern dragon, which are greatly different from there western counterparts, and a mythical Chinese creature know as a qilin. While others say he didn’t acquire help. Another difference is how the nature and also humans, around us were made. Some say he forged it using a hammer and chisel. Then later on, molding humans out of clay. Others, similar to the Norse Creation myth, say that he died after achieving such a great height and his body was used to become nature. Arms and legs becoming mountains and four directions. The rivers were made from his blood and his veins became paths and roads. Sweat was the rain and dew. Grass was from his hair. Wind and thunder came from his breath and voice. His flesh formed the soil, while his teeth and bones became the rocks and minerals. Up in the sky, the sun and moon was created from his right and left eye. Parasites form the corpse formed humans or a goddess named Nu Wa was driven by loneliness to mold humans out of mud, placing us on the ground causing us to come alive. Then she would just drag a vine through the mud and fling it to form poor people, while hand molded people became the rich. Later on she gave them the ability to reproduce so she didn’t have to make humans out of mud

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