
Creation Myths Research Paper

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As humans, we all love to listen to stories, especially when we can easily relate to them. Stories that are about the heroes that are told over and over again never will bore us or the romantic stories that will melt your heart. Myths are tales that might not be entirely true but can always grab our attention. A creation myth is a symbolic story about a certain culture of how the world began and how people adapted to everyday lives (Origin Beliefs). They are the most common form of myth, found throughout human culture. These myths are a part of the religious traditions as they were passed down, orally, to the younger generations (Origin Beliefs). They all have multiple versions of the stories because they were passed by word of mouth. Creation …show more content…

Although not all of the myths tell us that Re is the creator, some versions of this Egyptian mythology tell that Re was created from chaos at the beginning of time. The reason for this is that in multiple myths, most of the gods began their creation by emerging from chaos. For example just like the emergence of Gaea in Greek mythology (Egyptian Creation Myths). Re named everything from the wind to the earth to the rivers. After everything was named, it all began to grow. The last and final thing that he named was mankind, the men and women in the land of Egypt. According to ancient myth, Re had lived on the Earth at the beginning of the world, as the king of all the gods and humans. Re had taken the form of a man and he became the first pharaoh of Egypt. He ruled the country for thousands and thousands of years and providing the people with everything they needed to survive. Many early rulers of Egypt claimed that they were descended of Re and even used the gods name as a part of their own. The title “sa Re”, which means “son of Re”, was first used by the Pharaoh Djedefre (Egyptian Creation …show more content…

This caused many people to begin to question his abilities. People didn’t fear him or obeyed his laws. They laughed at him and mocked him by saying “Look at Re! His bones are like silver, his flesh like gold; his hair is the color of lapis lazuli”. He had called the gods and goddesses to a meeting, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut and Nun, to discuss what must be done to those who disobeyed him. Nun told him to send his Eye as his daughter Sekhmet as well as destruction. Re sent the Eye of Re his daughter Sekhmet, the fiercest of all goddesses, in the form of a lion who had slaughtered all of those who had doubted him. Her pleasure was

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